When we get through. But Johnson came after Slichter. Margaret Johnson lives up
the street here. I'm trying to think who was ahead of Slichter. Shorty Hearn was
Slichter's right hand man. Shorty was quite a character. He liked to play the stock
market, I think. He went to Florida when he retired. We visited him down there
once, but he's passed away since then.
I'd recognize the name right away, who was ahead of Slichter. I think it may have
been R.W. Stuck. Because you know who the recent ones are, because after
Wendell Johnson--Joe Stillwell, I think. Then a hydrologist was chief for awhile.
He still lives out in Bethesda. Homer Willis. He's a good friend of mine. When
he was out in the Ohio River Division, we used to go on field trips. He was in
hydrology work out in the Ohio River Division.
Q ..
He is a nice guy.
He came in here and ended up being chief of the division for awhile. I'm thinking
who was ahead of him for awhile. You're thinking more about the older ones?
Q ..
Yes, I'm trying to think about those folks. I need to do some more work on that.
I'm just trying to get some names of people that you might have worked with.
When I was first there, there were three old timers there--McAlpine, Giroux, and
Steele. They were the guys that you walked around. You didn't get into any trouble
with them. Mr. Giroux got an exceptional civilian service award at the same time
I did. Mr. McAlpine got several extensions of the compulsory retirement age. He
played tennis, and he was still there for quite a while. A Mr. B.R. Wood was in
charge of Flood Control. I haven't really thought of them for a long time.
Q ..
What I need to do is to get you some of the organization charts from the 1950s and
see if we can add some names in there.
A ..
Yes. I believe Mr. Steele was head of the Structures Branch before becoming a
special assistant. The head of the Geology Branch, Mr. Burwell, picked up a bug
overseas some place that killed him. Later on, Mr. Bloor, head of the Structures
Branch had a secretary that thought she should marry him, or that he should marry
her. He had trouble. A lot of little things like that. There was something wrong
with h e r .