EP 1165-2-1
30 Jul 99
a. Department of the Army. The Secretary of the Army oversees
direction of the Corps of Engineers and its civil works program.
Civil works laws authorize action in the following ways: action by
the Secretary; action under the direction of the Secretary and
supervision of the Chief of Engineers ; and by the Secretary, acting
through the Chief of Engineers. The Chief regularly submits reports
to the Secretary for transmittal, along with the Secretary's comments
and recommendations, to OMB for its advice on the relation of the
report recommendations to the programs of the President. The Office
of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works (OASA(CW))
works closely with the Headquarters, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
(HQUSACE) on central or critical management areas, including general
programming of the Corps civil works budget; substantive policy
for "new starts"; new or evolving functional areas of responsibilities
for the Corps; and legislative drafting services requested by members
of Congress. The OASA(CW) reviews and transmits the proposed Corps
civil works budget to OMB as a basis for the President's budget
recommendations to Congress.
b. Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The current
structure of OMB was established by Executive Order 11541, July 1970,
in the Executive Office of the President. OMB coordinates Executive
Branch reports on proposed legislation and reviews proposed projects
to determine their relationship to the program of the President. It
reviews proposed Executive Orders and assists in the preparation of
the President's annual budget and in the formulation of the fiscal
program of the government, and also supervises and controls the
administration of the budget. Administration positions relating to
fiscal and budgetary matters are generally issued as OMB memoranda,
circulars and bulletins. Pertinent OMB circulars are listed in
Appendix D.
c. Water Resources Council (WRC). The WRC was created as an
independent agency by the Water Resources Planning Act, Public Law
89-80, 22 July 1965, to be composed of member Federal agencies
involved in natural resources development. The purpose of the Act was
to encourage the conservation, development, and utilization of water
and related land resources on a comprehensive and coordinated basis by
the Federal Government, states, localities, and private enterprise.
The Council members are the Secretaries of Agriculture; Army;
Commerce; Energy; Housing and Urban Development; Interior; and
Transportation; and the Administrator of the Environmental Protection
Agency. The principal functions of the Council were specified under
three titles of the Act:
Title I - Water Resources Council.
Prepare and maintain a national water assessment;
(b) Coordinate water and related land resources planning
policies and programs with and among the Federal participants;
Establish principles, standards and procedures for Federal
participants in the preparation of plans and formulation and
evaluation of Federal water and related land projects. (*)
Title II - River Basin Commissions. (**)
(a) Establish and assist river basin commissions, interagency
committees and coordinating groups;