DIGEST OF WATER RESOURCES POLICIES AND AUTHORITIESTABLES AND FIGURESChapter 1. THE FEDERAL RESPONSIBILITY IN WATER RESOURCESSharing of ResponsibilityChapter 2. LEGISLATIVE, EXECUTIVE, AND JUDICIAL ROLES AND POLICIESTable 2-1 Continuing Authority ProjectsOther Significant LegislationExecutive Branch.Department of the Army.Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ).Administrative Policy.Judicial Branch.Relation to Congressional Authority.Chapter 3. GENERAL POLICIESPublic Participation. - EP-1165-2-10026Opposition by a State.Identification and Administration of Cultural Resources.Clean Water Act (CWA).Clean Air Act (CAA) General Conformity Rule.Goals.Influencing Legislation.Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Wastes (HTRW)(ER 1165-2-132)Expenditures on Aesthetics.Project Relationship.Mobilization.Exceptions to General Policy.Watershed Perspective.Policy.Chapter 4. MANAGEMENT OF THE CIVIL WORKS PROGRAMCommand Inspections.F i g u r e 4-1 Organization of HQUSACEF i g u r e 4-2 Organization of Directorate of Civil WorksDirectorate of Civil Works. Boards and CommissionsOther Institutions for Management of River Basin Operations.Interstate Compact.Program and Project Management (ER 5-1-11). Financial Resources Management.Miscellaneous Controls.Chapter 5. PLANNING STUDIESPreconstruction Engineering and Design (PED). - EP-1165-2-10052Planning Assistance to States.Formulate Alternative Plans.Compare Alternative Plans. General Planning Considerations.Project Outlays. Associated Costs.Value of Goods and Services Resulting from a Plan.Net Economic Benefit Analysis.Procedures for Evaluating Environmental Quality (EQ) Outputs.Selection of a Recommended Plan.Indian Lands.Administrative Procedures.Preauthorization Studies.Preconstruction Engineering and Design (PED). - EP-1165-2-10066Recommendations.Special Beneficiary Situations.Releasable Information.Sale of Corps Civil Works Publications and Reports. Sale of Corps Civil Works Publications and Reports. (cont)Chapter 6. PROJECT COST SHARING AND REPAYMENTApplicability of Cost Sharing.Consistent Application.Dredged Material Disposal FacilitiesCost Sharing Applications.Inland Waterways.Flood Damage Reduction.Minimum and Maximum Contributions.Comparable Features.Recreation (Section 103(c)(4) of WRDA 1986).Additional Cash Contribution.Water Quality Enhancement (Section 103(d) of WRDA 1986).Deferred Payments by Non-Federal Sponsors.Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Wastes (HTRW).Dam Safety Assurance.Correction of Design or Construction Deficiencies. - EP-1165-2-10087Chapter 7. REPORT PREPARATION, PROCESSING AND PROJECT AUTHORIZATION, DEAUTHORIZATIONProcessing and Review of Preauthorization Planning Reports.Authorization of Plans for Improvements.Preconstruction Engineering and Design.Deauthorization Review Program.Chapter 8. PROGRAMMING, BUDGETING AND APPROPRIATIONSDisclosure of Budgetary Information.Rescissions.Budget Year New Starts.Acceptance and Return of Contributed or Advanced Funds.Credit or Reimbursement for Non-Federal Work on Projects.Congressional Notification.Chapter 9. PRECONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN AND ENGINEERING DURING CONSTRUCTIONProject Modifications.Design Sizing of Projects. Low Level Discharge Facilities.Use of Consultants.Chapter 10. CONSTRUCTIONProjects Under Continuing Authorities.Project Cooperation Agreement (PCA) Process.Forecast Final Cost Estimate.Credits for Work-in-Kind Performed by Non-Federal Sponsors.Provision of Non-Federal Cash for Construction.Acquisition. Relocation of Public Highways, Public Utilities, Railroads and Pinelines.Relocation of Cemeteries.River and Habor Projects.Flood Control Projects.River and Harbor Projects.Removal Responsibility.Water Quality Requirements.Contracting with Small and Small Disadvantaged Business.Housing of Project Personnel.Project Cost Increase Limitations.Chapter 11. OPERATIONS, MAINTENANCE, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENTPublic Access.Distribution of Rental Receipts.Navigation.Environmental Dredging. Dredged Material Management Studies. Management Plans.Flood Control.O&M Controls, Flood Control Projects.Major Rehabilitation.Correction of Design or Construction Deficiencies. - EP-1165-2-10132Changes in Water Control Plans. Use of Corps Reservoir Flowage Easement Lands.Excavation or Landfills.Disposal of Civil Works Project Real Estate.Pest Management Programs.Discontinuation of Maintenance of Projects.Energy Conservation.Annual Assessments.HTRW Site Restoration.HTRW Guidance. Chapter 12. NAVIGATIONNavigable Waters of the United States.Economic Justification.Identification of Alternatives.Cost Sharing and Project Cooperation for Navigation.Construction, Operation, and Maintenance.Single-Owner Situations.Initial Single(Non-Public)- Owner, Later Multiple-Owner Situations.Transfer and Lightering Facilities, Barge Fleeting Areas.Ownership of Lands Created for Port Facilities.Inland Waterways Trust Fund. Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund.Navigation Data.Navigation Regulations.Drift and Debris Removal. Project Dimensions.Land Creation or Enhancement at Inland Harbors.Restriction on Ocean Disposal. Placement of Dredged Materials on Beaches. Lock and Dam Replacements.Federal Project Development by Others. Construction Authority Applicable to Navigation. Navigation versus Hurricane and Storm Damage Reduction (HSDR).Application of Policy for Multiple Purpose Facilities.Chapter 13. FLOOD DAMAGE REDUCTIONFlood Related Planning Policy.Risk-Based Analysis.Channel Enlargements.Nonstructural Measures.Project Cooperation and Cost Sharing.Structural Measures.Regulation of the Flood Plain.Single Owner Properties.Flood Insurance. Flood Damage Reduction Benefits. Benefit Determination Involving Existing Levees.Flood Emergency Operations and Disaster Assistance.Corps of Engineers Authority.Other Disaster Assistance.Non-Federal Requirements.Reimbursement.Chapter 14. SHORE PROTECTIONRestoration and Protection.Cost Sharing. - EP-1165-2-10186Non-Federal Shores.Periodic Nourishment.Recreation.Lake Flood Protection.Requirements.Emergency Protection.Extraordinary Storm.Combined Emergency and Periodic Nourishment.Chapter 15. STREAM BANK EROSION CONTROLProject CooperationTechnical and Engineering Assistance on Streambank Erosion.Chapter 16. HYDROELECTRIC POWERCoordination with Other Agencies.Marketing of Corps-Produced Power.Provision for Future Power.Non-Federal Development at Corps Projects.Corps Developments at Non-Corps Sites.Chapter 17. RECREATIONNatural Resources Management Program Mission.Recreation Development at Non-reservoir Flood Damage Reduction and Navigation Projects. Shore Protection Projects.Facilities at Completed Projects.Philosophy and Checklist.Check List of Recreation Facilities.Recreation Use Projection and Benefit Evaluation.Cost Apportionment.Use Fees and Day Use Fees.Protection of Recreational Uses at Civil Works Projects.Work Under Major Rehabilitation Program.Chapter 18. WATER SUPPLY AND QUALITY MANAGEMENTSurplus Water.Interim Use Of Water Supply for Irrigation. Single Purpose Water Supply.Water Quality Enhancement and Management.Water Rights Involved in Project Development.Emergencies.Water Supply Planning.Drought Contingency Plans.Chapter 19. ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION AND PROTECTIONRestoration and the Ecosystem Approach.Federal and Ecosystem Restoration Objectives.Authorities Supporting Ecosystem Restoration.Environmental Authorities within WRDAs.Section 1135 of WRDA 1986 (Public Law 99-662)Ecosystem Restoration Relationship to Traditional Environmental TopicsAdministration's Wetlands Plan.Consideration of Fish and Wildlife Resources in the Civil Works Program.Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (FWCA) of 1958 (Public Law 85-624; 16 U.S.C. 661-666). Subsection 662(c) authorizes the modificationThe Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973 (Public Law 93-205).The Clean Water Act of 1972, as amended (Public Law 92-500 and 33 USC 466 et. seq.). Mitigation Principals.Justification.Review of Completed Projects. - EP-1165-2-10240Relationship of Mitigation to Ecosystem Restoration and Protection.Justification of Ecosystem Restoration Using Dredged Material.Consideration of Project Modifications for Improvement of the Environment.Eligibility and Objectives for Section 1135 Projects.Program Cost Sharing for Section 1135 Projects.Cost Allocation for Section 1135 Projects.Mandatory Center of Expertise (MCX).Feasibility Phase Studies.Cultural Resources Management for Continuing Authority Projects.Sections 103, 107, 111, and 205.Chapter 20. AQUATIC PLANT CONTROLBudget. Chapter 21. REGULATORY PROGRAM - PROTECTION OF THE PUBLIC INTEREST IN THE WATERS OF THE UNITED STATESDanger Zones.General Policies for Evaluating Permit Applications.Effect on Wetlands.Activities Affecting Coastal Zones.Activities in Marine Sanctuaries.Jurisdictional Limits:Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act of 1972.Chapter 22. SUPPORT FOR OTHERSWork for Private Firms.Facilities and Infrastructure.Chapter 23. CIVIL WORKS RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENTCurrent Emphasis and Program Mix.Transfer of Research Results.Exclusion of Non-R&D Activities from R&D Funding.Chapter 24. ACTIVITIES RELATED TO PROGRAMS ADMINISTERED BY OTHER FEDERAL AGENCIESLand and Water Conservation Fund. Forest Service Lands.Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Licenses.Distinction between Corps of Engineers and FERC Jurisdiction with Respect to Non-Federal Hydroelectric Project.Prime and Unique Farmland.Superfund Program.Coastal Barrier Resources Act of 1982 (Public Law 92-348).Department of Commerce (DOC) Real Estate Assistance. Appendix A. REFERENCES - EP-1165-2-10277Appendix A. REFERENCES (cont) - EP-1165-2-10278Appendix A. REFERENCES (cont) - EP-1165-2-10279Appendix A. REFERENCES (cont) - EP-1165-2-10280Appendix A. REFERENCES (cont) - EP-1165-2-10281Appendix A. REFERENCES (cont) - EP-1165-2-10282Appendix A. REFERENCES (cont) - EP-1165-2-10283Appendix A. REFERENCES (cont) - EP-1165-2-10284Appendix A. REFERENCES (cont) - EP-1165-2-10285OTHER PUBLICATIONSAppendix B. LEGISLATION PERTINENT TO THE WATER RESOURCES PROGRAM OF THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS30 September 1850, Mississippi River Survey.21 February 1891, Commercial Statistics.3 March 1899, River and Harbor Act. Permits.Hydropower Development.Compensation Determination.Waterborne Commerce Statistics.10 February 1932, Public Law 16, 72d Congress--Recreational Boating.19 July 1937, Public Law 208, 75th Congress--Contributed Funds.1 February 1940, Public Law 409, 76th Congress. Federal Jurisdiction.Sharing Leasing Monies.Emergency Bank Protection.Title II--Flood Control Act of 1950.Hurricane Projects.14 September 1961, Public Law 87-236.Road Improvement and Replacement.Transferred Corps Activities.Reimbursement for Non-Federal Expenditures.Agency Requirements.Hurricane Protection Cost Sharing.8 August 1972, Public Law 92-367--National Dam Safety Act.Authority to Maintain Navigation.Federal-State Coordination.Project Deauthorization.Non-structural Measures for Flood Protection.3 January 1975, Public Law 93-627--Deepwater Port Act of 1974.20 October 1976, Public Law 94-565--Entitlement Lands.Establishment of Standards.Public Law 95-341--American Indian Religious Freedom Act.21 October 1980, Public Law 96-480--Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 1980.Removal of Private-Use Facilities.Credit for Non-Federal Flood Control Works.Non-Federal Feasibility Studies. Fish and Wildlife Enhancement.Waterborne Petroleum Product Information Release.Private Use Facilities.Reservoir Operations.16 November 1990, Public Law 101-596--Great Lakes Critical Programs Act of 1990.Emergency Response. - EP-1165-2-10325Shoreline Protection.Information on Floods and Flood Damages.Wetlands Mitigation.Western Water Policy Review.Dam Safety Program Extension. International Outreach Program. 12 February 1994, Public Law 103-211--Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act of 1994.Project Cost Sharing. Restoration of Environmental Quality.Consultation and Conferencing under the Endangered Species Act.Appendix C. EXECUTIVE ORDERS PERTINENT TO THE WATER RESOURCES PROGRAM OF THE CORPS OF ENGINEERSExecutive Order 11821, 27 November 1974, Inflation Impact Statements.Executive Order 11954, 7 January 1977, Federal Property Review.Executive Order 12113, 4 January 1979, Independent Water Project Review.Executive Order 12291, 17 February 1981, Federal Regulation.Executive Order 12612, 26 October 1987, Federalism. Commercial Activities.Executive Order 12862, 11 September 1993, Setting Customer Service Standards. Executive Order 12962, 7 June 1995, Recreational Fisheries.Executive Order 13057, 26 July 1997, Federal Actions in the Lake Tahoe Region.Executive Order 13073, 4 February 1998, Year 2000 Conversion.Executive Order 13089, 11 June 1998, Coral Reef Protection.Executive Order 13101, 14 September 1998, Greening the Government through Waste Prevention, Recycling, and Federal Acquisition.Appendix D. OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET CIRCULARSAppendix D. OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET CIRCULARS (cont)Appendix E. INTERAGENCY AGREEMENTS RELATED TO WATER RESOURCESArmy-Interior.Defense-Interior.Army-Transportation.Army-Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).Army-Commerce.Army-Energy.Other Agreements.Other Agreements. (cont)APPENDIX F. IndexAPPENDIX F. Index (cont)APPENDIX F. Index (cont) - EP-1165-2-10362APPENDIX F. Index (cont) - EP-1165-2-10363APPENDIX F. Index (cont) - EP-1165-2-10364APPENDIX F. Index (cont) - EP-1165-2-10365APPENDIX F. Index (cont) - EP-1165-2-10366APPENDIX F. Index (cont) - EP-1165-2-10367APPENDIX F. Index (cont) - EP-1165-2-10368APPENDIX F. Index (cont) - EP-1165-2-10369APPENDIX F. Index (cont) - EP-1165-2-10370APPENDIX F. Index (cont) - EP-1165-2-10371APPENDIX F. Index (cont) - EP-1165-2-10372APPENDIX F. Index (cont) - EP-1165-2-10373APPENDIX F. Index (cont) - EP-1165-2-10374APPENDIX F. Index (cont) - EP-1165-2-10375APPENDIX F. Index (cont) - EP-1165-2-10376APPENDIX F. Index (cont) - EP-1165-2-10377APPENDIX F. Index (cont) - EP-1165-2-10378APPENDIX F. Index (cont) - EP-1165-2-10379APPENDIX F. Index (cont) - EP-1165-2-10380EP 1165-2-1