EP 1130-2-510
13 Dec 96
or electronic mail (E-mail) and then also in writing. Reports shall be made as soon as possible;
however, reports must be furnished before the end of the next regular business day. A sample of
the required information is provided as Appendix E.
(2) When requested by CECW-OM, a detailed narrative report shall be prepared and
forwarded to CECW-OM as soon as all pertinent information and data on the failure or
interruption are available. The report shall present the information and data in such a manner as
to facilitate review and evaluation by CECW-OM and other elements of the HQUSACE. These
reports are required for review and evaluation for determining what changes are needed in guide
specifications, operating and maintenance procedures, or personnel training, to reduce power
production interruptions.
(3) Written Report. When requested, a detailed narrative report will be prepared and
forwarded to CECW-OM as soon as all pertinent information and data on the failure or
interruption are available. The report will include, but not be limited to, the following information
as applicable: Name of the project; actual time of day and date of occurrence; identity of
equipment or procedure causing the interruption; unit(s) involved; megawatts of project
generation shutdown; megawatts of load passing through the project switchyard before
interruption; megawatts of switchyard load interrupted; actual or estimated length of time
required to return the failed equipment to service; the actual cause of failure or interruption; and
any deficiencies found in design, construction, operation or maintenance. The report will also
include a description of all actions, interim and final, needed to restore equipment to service, and
recommendations for changes in design, construction, protective equipment, operational and
data, such as single line diagrams, sketches, schematic wiring diagrams, and photographs will be
included when such information will clarify the cause of the interruption and assist in determining
the best corrective action. The report will present the information and data in such a manner as to
facilitate review and evaluation by CECW-OM and other elements of the HQUSACE.
d. Monthly Power Plant (DOE FORM EIA-759) and In-Service Data Reports for
Hydroelectric Generating Units.
(1) The Commander, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is required to keep the
Chairman, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, informed of the current installed hydroelectric
generating capacity at USACE projects.
(a) This includes installation of new generators and changes in the existing generating
capacity due to rewinding of the generator stator, or any other reason. Within five business day
after occurrence of the in-service date, the Commander, USACE, will be notified, Attention:
CECW-OM, of the name of the project and the nameplate rating in kilowatts of each unit as it is
placed in service. The information may be transmitted by telecopy, electronic mail or any other
suitable method. The in-service date of a unit is defined as the date when the generator is first
brought to rated terminal voltage and synchronized to the transmission system.
(b) For new generators, the date when the generator is initially placed in service, as
defined above. For existing generators, the date is when the generator is again placed in
operation after a change in capacity. Units declared in service, which subsequently develop
trouble requiring modifications that may delay normal generation, will continue to be considered
in service, unless otherwise specifically approved by the Commander, USACE. The in-service