EP 1130-2-520
29 Nov 96
(d) assure specifications are written to allow the use of all types of dredge plant capable
of efficiently, effectively, and safely performing the work in an environmentally sound manner; and
(e) assure that the surveys specified in the contract are sufficient to verify that the
contract requirements are met;
(2) Unit Price Contracts - Area Measure. To ensure that area measure unit price contracts
are effectively used, the District Commander will:
(a) define the scope of work and determine the depth of the cut;
(b) perform payment surveys in an accurate and timely manner;
(c) assure specifications are written to allow the use of all types of dredge plant capable
of efficiently, effectively, and safely performing the work in an environmentally sound manner;
(d) assure that the surveys specified in the contract are sufficient to verify that the
contract requirements are met; and
(e) determine that the area to be dredged is the overriding cost factor rather than the
depth of cut, but the required channel depth is achieved.
(3) Unit Price Contracts - Time Measure. Leased equipment dredging contracts may be
used when the quantities of material to be dredged cannot be accurately estimated (e.g., areas of
active or erratic shoaling, where shoaling cannot be determined or is difficult to predict prior to
bid opening, or where rapidly fluctuating river stages exist), and accurate and timely surveys are
difficult to accomplish. To ensure that leased equipment dredging contracts are effectively used,
the district commander will:
(a) assure specifications are written to require adequate plant and personnel to complete
contract requirements in a timely, safe, and environmentally sound manner; and
(b) require quality assurance representatives on board the leased dredge whenever the
dredge is working for pay.
(4) Unit Price Contracts (Other) - Scow or Bin Measure. Scow or bin measure contracts
may be used when the contracting officer determines that a contractor will be at risk of receiving
insufficient credit for work performed due to rapid shoaling and/or significant changes in bottom
conditions. To ensure that scow or bin measure contracts are effectively used, the District
Commander will:
(a) provide quality assurance representatives on board the vessel at all times, or provide a
method to determine that the dredging process is being performed in accordance with the
(b) assure specifications describe the relationship between the quantity of in place material
and the measurement of the material. Typically, the relationship might include bulking factor or
insitu density;