EP 1130-2-520
29 Nov 96
(b) Maternity Uniform. If a person has received a replacement allowance and then needs
a Maternity (Class A or Class B) Uniform, an additional allowance is authorized to help defray the
purchase of the maternity uniform items.
(c) The table in Appendix X lists the initial and replacement allowances for permanent
[full-time and While Actually Employed (WAE)] and temporary personnel for all uniform classes.
(d) The total uniform allowance authorized for an employee in any one year period will
not exceed 0.
(e) The MSC/District responsible for the nation-wide procurement contract, as described
in paragraph 7-3a below may make recommendations to HQUSACE, CECW-O for revisions to
the uniform allowances in Appendix X, subject to the statutory limits.
(f) The allowance amount authorized for each employee is intended for use only by that
employee, and any unused funds reduce the net cost to the Federal Government. Therefore,
ordering uniform items for another person, with or without remuneration is prohibited.
d. Items not covered by Uniform Allowance.
(1) Items not covered by the uniform allowance are listed in Appendix X. As stated,
certain job-related safety items can be provided by the Government. The cost of these items will
not count against initial or replacement allowance limits.
(2) Provisions shall not be made for the cleaning and laundering at Government expense
of uniforms furnished or provided for by monetary allowance under the authority of the Federal
Employees Uniform Allowance Act and this regulation.
7-3. Guidance - Uniform Procurement.
a. Uniform Procurement. CECW-O will designate an MSC to assign one of its districts
to develop, advertize, negotiate, award, and manage a contract for the nation-wide procurement
of uniforms and to develop and manage the necessary accounting procedures to oversee the
nation-wide distribution. Uniform garment specifications developed will be patterned after the
uniform items as specified in Appendices S, T, U, and V of this chapter.
b. If an MSC Commander chooses to require uniforms, they shall be procured through the
nation-wide contract.
7-4. Guidance - Appearance. Supervisors are responsible for the general appearance of their
uniformed personnel. Supervisors will ensure that uniforms meet standards prescribed by this
regulation and that those personnel required to wear the uniform are properly attired.
a. When personnel are required to wear a specific class of uniform, the complete uniform
will be worn. The uniform is not complete without all the prescribed articles for the class of
uniform being worn.