EP 1110-3-8
9 Apr 04
(2) Each RAB will develop a brief mission statement that specifies its overall purpose.
For example, "The RAB mission is to establish and maintain a forum with all stakeholders for
the exchange of information in an open and interactive dialogue concerning the environmental
b. RAB Support. The PM must ensure that adequate administrative support is provided to
establish and operate the RAB. This support will typically include the following:
(1) Providing meeting facilities, organizing and facilitating public meetings.
(2) Preparing and distributing meeting minutes, management of RAB mailing lists,
mailings, and other routine word-processing tasks.
(3) Copying/printing and distributing RAB documents, notices, and fact sheets.
(4) Translating and distributing outreach and other RAB materials.
(5) Modifying Public Involvement Plans to incorporate RAB requirements.
(6) Providing certain types of training.
3-8. Technical Assistance for Public Participation (TAPP). * The TAPP program provides
community members of RABs and TRCs access to independent technical support through the
use of government purchase orders. Community members of a RAB or TRC apply to the district
Commander for independent technical assistance in interpreting scientific and engineering issues
restoration activities at a FUDS property. The RAB/TRC must demonstrate either that (1) the
Federal, state, and local agencies responsible for overseeing environmental restoration at the
* The information presented in paragraphs 3-8 through 3-11 is derived, with modifications, from
Technical Assistance for Public Participation Policy Implementation Guidance and Restoration
Advisory Board Update, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, April 1998.
FUDS property, and available DOD personnel, do not have the technical expertise necessary for
achieving the objective for which the technical assistance is to be obtained or that (2) the
technical assistance is likely to contribute to the efficiency, effectiveness, or timeliness of
environmental restoration activities at the FUDS property and community acceptance of
environmental restoration activities at the FUDS property. (See Title 32, CFR, Part 203, for the
final rule which explains the TAPP program.)
a. Eligible Applicants. To receive independent technical assistance from USACE under
the TAPP program, RABs and TRCs must propose a project and apply to the district Commander
responsible for the project management. Only community members (not