EP 1110-3-8
9 Apr 04
2 years, or when the FUDS project circumstances change, to determine if interest develops in
forming a RAB.
3-3. RAB Responsibilities. The responsibilities of the RAB include the following:
a. Providing individual advice on environmental restoration issues to USACE and
regulatory agencies.
b. Conducting regular meetings, open to the public, at convenient times and locations, in
most cases after normal duty hours.
c. Recording minutes of all meetings and making them available to interested parties.
d. Encouraging community involvement.
e. Developing and using a mailing list of interested parties who wish to receive
f. Reviewing and evaluating documents; for example, ASRs, sampling and analysis data,
EE/CAs, and other technical documents.
g. Identifying FUDS project requirements.
h. Recommending priorities among FUDS projects at the FUDS property.
i. Proposing cleanup levels consistent with planned land use based on coordination with
Land Reuse Authorities or other land use planning entities.
j. Developing a RAB mission statement.
k. Developing RAB operating procedures.
l. Ensuring that the RAB is represented on the PDT during the TPP process.
a. USACE will encourage appropriate Federal, state, and local participation in RABs.
Ideally, RABs will be comprised of the PM (or some other, higher-level USACE manager
designated by the district Commander), state regulatory agency representatives, other Federal,
state, and local agencies as appropriate, local and tribal governments as appropriate, and affected
members of the local community. The RAB at an NPL FUDS property will also have an EPA
representative. At non-NPL FUDS properties, EPA membership will be at the discretion of the