Conversion Factors, Non-SI to SI Units of MeasurementForeword - EP-1110-2-140007Introduction - EP-1110-2-140008Introduction (cont) - EP-1110-2-140009Introduction (cont) - EP-1110-2-140010Figure 1-1. Shallow-draft Inland Waterways System, United SatesPlanning For CanalizationMississippi RiverFigure 2-2. Forty-eight-barge tow, Lower Mississippi River (U.S. Army, Corps of Engineering, Vicksburg District)Navigation Locks and DamsLock size affects the economic success of a water ways.Figure 3.2. How Locks operatePhysical Factors Affecting Sitting of Navigation StructuresGround WaterEnvironmental ResourcesFigure 4-1. Cross section, typical low-head navigation damInland Navigation CriteriaTable 1. Recommended channel widthFreedom from Hazardous CurrentsTerminal FacilitiesFigure 5-1. Minimum channel clearance in straight reachesOther Design RequirementsSewage ContaminationRecreationFigure 6-1. Effect of pool operation on water surface elevationsFigure 6-2. Multiple-Purpose Reservoir Operation for Vector Control, Wilson Project, Tennessee Valley Authority.Navigation DamsSpillwaysSpillways GatesSpillways Gates (cont)Spillways PiersFigure 7-1. Movable dams.FIGURE 7-2. Navigable movable dam (wicket gates), spillways and stilling basin, Olmsted Locks and Dam. Ohio RiverFigure 7-3. Typical non-navigable movable dam (gated spillway), Arkansas River.Figure 7-4. Olmsted Locks and Dam, Ohio RiverFigure 7-5. Possible flow regimes, low-head navigation weirs.Figure 7-6. Spillway tainter gatesFigure 7-7. Submersible tainter gate, Marseilles Lock and Dam, Illinois River.Figure 7-8. Roller gates.Figure 7-9. Typical vertical lift gateNavigation LocksCofferdams for ConstructionLock Design CriteriaLock TypesLock Depth and Lock FloorLock Gates and SillsLock Gates and Sills (cont)Miter GatesLock WallsLock Chamber WallsCulvert-discharge WallsLock Filling and Emptying SystemsHawser StressesFilling and Emptying Over, Between, or Around Lock GatesFilling and Emptying through Wall Culverts and Ports or LateralsIntake manifoldsIntake manifolds (cont)Control ValvesWall culvertsTVA multiport systemLock emptying systemsBottom Longitudinal Filling and Emptying SystemsCulvert area ratiosClosure Facilities for LocksEmergency closures\Figure 8-1. Typical lock layoutsFigure 8-2. Typical low-lift navigation lock and dam (Ables and Boyd, 1966)Figure 8-3. Melvin Price Locks and Dam, Mississippi River (Replacement for Lock and Dam 26)Figure 8-4. Lock in deep part of bendFigure 8-5. Cofferdams for stage constructionFigure 8-6. Three-stage cofferdam scheme, Replacement for Lock and Dam 26, Mississippi RiverFigure 8-7. Four-stage diversion plan, Dardanelle Lock and Dam Arkansas River.Figure 8-8. Red River Locks and Dams constructed in dry in cutoffs on rectified river alignmentFigure 8-9. Lock walls, gates, and sillsFigure 8-11. Lock miter gates, Lower St. Anthony Falls Lock and Dam Upper Mississippi RiverFigure 8-12. Submergible tainter gates (56 ft. long), Lower St. Anthony Falls Lock, Upper Mississippi RiverFigure 8-13. Sector gatesFigure 8-14. Prototype vs model filling timeFigure 8-15. Permissible filling time to keep hawser stresses within 4-, 5-, 6-, and 7-ton limits, 110- by 1200-ft lockFigure 8-17. Typical lock Filling SystemsFigure 8-19. Lower Granite Lock, Snake River. (Murphy, 1980)Figure 8-21. Typical intake manifolds (U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers)Figure 8-22. Intake head loss coefficient (Davis, 1989)Figure 8-23. Intake ports with trash racks in place during construction Dardanelle Lock, Arkansas RiverFigure 8-24. Alternative filling schemes, Gallipolis Locks and Dam, Ohio River (Davidson, 1987)Figure 8-25. Intakes for alternative filling schemes, Gallipolis Locks and Dam, Ohio RiverFigure 8-26. Culvert control valve ("reverse" tainter gate)Figure 8-31. TVA multiport system (Elder et al., 1964)Figure 8-32. Typical lock emptying systemsFigure 8-34. Discharge manifolds, New Cumberland Lock, Ohio River (Davis, 1989)Figure 8-35. Discharge manifold with baffles, Arkansas River (Davis, 1989)Figure 8-36. Outlet system, Olmsted Locks, Ohio River (Stockstill, 1992)Figure 8-37. Bottom longitudinal " side-by-side" filling and emptying system, Dardanelle Lock, Arkansas River.Figure 8-38. Bottom longitudinal "over-and-under" filling and emptying system, Bankhead Lock, 69-ft lift, Black Warrior River, Alabama (Murphy, 1980)Figure 8-40. Bay Springs Lock under construction, Tennessee-Tombigbee WaterwayNavigation Hazards at LocksDardanelle Lock and Dam, Arkansas RiverRobert S. Kerr Lock and Dam, Arkansas RiverOlmsted Locks and Dam, Ohio RiverTemporary Lock 52, Ohio RiverBay Springs Lock and DamBay Springs Lock and Dam (cont)Lock and Dam 17, Verdigris River (Choteau Lock and Dam, Arkansas River Navigation Project)ShoalingFigure 9-2. Flow patterns and velocities downstream of Dardanelle Lock and Dam, Arkansas River.Figure 9-3. Upstream lock approach, Lock and Dam 2, Red RiverFigure 9-4. Robert S. Kerr Lock and Dam, Arkansas River (Franco and Glover, 1968)Figure 9-5. Velocities and currents, original design, Robert S. Kerr Lock and Dam, Arkansas RiverFigure 9-6. Velocities and currents, Plans C and C1, Robert S. Kerr Lock and Dam, Arkansas RiverFigure 9-7. Velocities and currents, lower lock approach, with modification to improve navigation conditions, Robert S. Kerr Lock and Dam, Arkansas RiverFigure 9-8. Depth-averaged velocities, river outlet Olmsted Lock and Dam, Ohio River (Stockstill, 1992)Figure 9-9. Riprap protection at river outlet Olmsted Lock and Dam, Ohio RiverFigure 9-10. Temporary Lock 52, Ohio River (Maynord, 1987)Figure 9-11. Squat mechanisms (Maynord, 1987)Figure 9-12. Comparison of squat for entering and exiting tows with and without emptying culvert openFigure 9-13. Bay Springs Lock and Dam,Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway, dam, lock and canal alignment (Tate, 1978)Figure 9-14. Outlet diffusers and lower lock approach, Bay Springs LockFigure 9-15. Expected prototype surge, no tow, Bay Springs LockFigure 9-16. Emptying system, Bay Springs Lock (Ables, 1978)Figure 9-17. Intake system, Bay Springs LockSchematic of Filling Valve CulvertFigure 9-19. Location Maps, Lock and Dam 17, Arkansas River Navigation Project (Huval, 1980)Figure 9-20. Tow in canal, Lock and Dam 17, Arkansas River Navigation ProjectFigure 9-22. Effect of increasing canal dimensions on tow squat. (Huval, 1980)Figure 9-23. Effect of canal size on tow squat at 0.9 VFigure 9-25. Wing dike to minimize shoaling in lower lock approach, Dardanelle Lock, Arkansas River. (Franco, 1976)DredgingArkansas River DredgingArkansas River Dredging (cont)Arkansas River Dredging (cont)Mississippi River DredgingMissouri River DredgingDredging EquipmentHydraulic Suction DredgesDredged Material DisposalFigure 10-2. Dike systems, Arkansas River Navigation ProjectFigure 10-4. Arkansas River Navigation Project (Corps of Engineers)Figure 10-5. Major maintenance dredging reaches at head of Pool 2, Arkansas River Navigation Project (Schemidgail, 1972)Figure 10-6b. Annual maintenance dredging in McClellan-Kerr Navigation System and flow at Van Buren gageFigure 10-8. Upper Mississippi River Canalization Project (Corps of Engineers)Figure 10-9. Lock and Dam 1, Red River Navigation Project, as constructedFigure 10-11. Types of mechanical dredgesFigure 10-13. Cutterhead dredgesFigure 10-15. Dustpan dredgeInnovative Lock DesignIncreasing Lock CapacityNeed for Innovations in Lock DesignWinfield Locks and Dam, Kanawha RiverMarmet Lock and Dam, Kanawha RiverOther Innovative ConceptsFigure 11-2. Profile of Ohio River Navigation Pools (Corps of Enginners)Figure 11-3. Profile of Upper Mississippi Navigation Pools (Corps of Engineers)Figure 11-5. Intakes in Upper Miter Gate SillAppendix A. References - EP-1110-2-140159Appendix A. References (cont) - EP-1110-2-140160Appendix A. References (cont) - EP-1110-2-140161Appendix B. Red River Waterway, LouisianaSedimentHinged Pool OperationReaerationOptimization of spillway designFigure B-1. Red River Waterway, Louisiana, plan and profile (Combs and Espey, 1990)Figure B-3. Bed elevations 20 days after dike construction Lock and Dam 1, Red River Waterway (Lttle, 1987)Figure B-5. Hinged pool operation, Lock and Dam 3, Red River WaterwayFigure B-6. Hinged gate and baffled spillway chute, Locks and Dams 4 and 5, Red River WaterwayAttachment B-1. Typical Spillway Optimization Study, Red River, LouisianaFlowage EasementsComparative CostsTable D-3. Comparative CostsIndex - EP-1110-2-140175Index (cont) - EP-1110-2-140176Index (cont) - EP-1110-2-140177Index (cont) - EP-1110-2-140178Index (cont) - EP-1110-2-140179Index (cont) - EP-1110-2-140180Index (cont) - EP-1110-2-140181Index (cont) - EP-1110-2-140182Index (cont) - EP-1110-2-140183Index (cont) - EP-1110-2-140184EP 1110-2-14