EP 1110-1-31
31 Aug 01
Lead-based paint (LBP)
Paint or other surface coatings that contain lead equal to or
in excess of 1.0 milligrams per square centimeter or more
than 0.5 percent by weight (5000 g/g (parts per million)).
(40 CFR 745.223)
Lead-based paint hazard
Any condition that causes exposure to lead from dust-lead
hazards, soil- lead hazards, or lead-based paint that is
deteriorated or present in chewable surfaces, friction
surfaces, or impact surfaces, and that would result in
adverse human health effects. (40 CFR Part 745)
Lead-based paint
A surface-by-surface investigation to determine the
presence of lead-based paint and the provision of a report
explaining the results of the investigation. (40 CFR Part
Micrograms per square foot
Micrograms per gram (parts per million on mass/mass
Occupant use patterns
Characteristics of occupants including number of child-
bearing age females, average age and numbers of children
occupying units, unit use patterns including entrances most
frequently used, windows opened most frequently, use of
window air-conditioners, gardening habits, cleaning habits
of occupants, yard characteristics and use of yard as play
Quality assurance; defined by NLLAP as an "integrated
system of activities involving planning, QC, quality
assessment, reporting, and quality improvement to ensure
that a product or service meets defined standards of quality
Revision 2.0 (August 1, 1996))
Quality control; defined by NLLAP as the "overall system
of technical activities whose purpose is to measure and
control the quality of a product or service so that it meets
the needs of users. The aim is to provide quality that is
satisfactory, adequate, dependable, and economical.
(NLLAP LQSR Revision 2.0 (August 1, 1996))