EP 1110-1-18
24 Apr 00
24-1. Introduction.
a. This chapter summarizes the training requirements which must be completed by
USACE and contractor personnel prior to conducting OE response activities. The training will be
conducted by instructors who meet the trainer qualifications identified in 29 CFR 1910.120(e)(5).
b. All USACE and contractor personnel working on-site who are exposed to hazardous
substances, health hazards, or safety hazards, and their supervisors and management responsible
for the site, will receive training meeting the requirements of 29 CFR 1910.120(e). These
personnel will receive training before being permitted to engage in operations that would expose
them to hazardous substances, safety, or health hazards. They will receive updated training on an
annual basis.
24-2. Subject Matter Requirements.
a. Employees will be trained in the following items at the beginning of each project:
(1) Names of persons and alternates responsible for site safety.
(2) Safety, health, and other hazards known to be on the site.
(3) Use of personal protective equipment.
(4) Work practices to minimize hazards.
(5) Safe use of equipment and other controls on site.
(6) Medical surveillance requirements.
(7) Decontamination procedures (if necessary).
(8) An emergency response plan.
(9) Confined space entry procedures (if applicable).
(10) A spill containment program (if applicable).
b. Additional site-specific training covering site hazards, procedures, and all contents of
the approved SSHP will be conducted by the UXOSO. This training will be provided for all on-
site employees, including those assigned only to the Support Zone, prior to the commencement of