EP 1110-1-18
24 Apr 00
(10) Documentation of Significant Changes. This section includes the following statement:
"If the actions outlined in this Action Memorandum are delayed or not taken, the potential exists
for continued and substantial endangerment to public health, welfare, and the environment."
(11) Responsiveness Summary. This section provides a summary of all public involvement
10-4. Action Memorandum Review and Approval Process.
a. The Action Memorandum is executed by the OE Design Center. Assistant Chief of
Staff for Installation Management approves all Action Memorandums for projects greater than
million, including NPL projects. The OE MCX will review the Action Memorandum and
concurrence by HQUSACE is required.
b. The MSC Commander approves Action Memorandums for projects between million
and million, in addition to all NPL projects under million.
c. The District Commander approves non-NPL Action Memorandums for projects less
than million.