Water Resources: Hydraulics and HydrologyThe Interviewer - EP-870-1-620005Contents - EP-870-1-620006Contents - EP-870-1-620007Contents - EP-870-1-620008A Biographical Sketch - EP-870-1-620010A Biographical Sketch cont'd - EP-870-1-620011Foreign AssignmentsForeign AssignmentProfessional Societies and AffiliationsHonors and AwardsAlfred S. HarrisonEducation Civil Engineering CurriculumnGraduate Study at The University of California at BerkleyUniversities Specializing in Hydraulics and SedimentationUniversities Specializing in Hydraulics and Sedimentation cont'd - EP-870-1-620021Universities Specializing in Hydraulics and Sedimentation cont'd - EP-870-1-620022Professor Joe Johnson\Coastal Engineering Research Center (CERC) and Thorndike SavilleProminent Classmates from the University of California Transfer of Hydraulic Concepts and Technology from Germany and Europe Transfer of Hydraulic Concepts and Technology from Germany and Europe cont'dThesis Work on Sedimentation and the Interest of the Corps of EngineersDon Bondurant and Employment with the Ohama District The Mainstem Dams on the Missouri River in the Early 1950.Work in the Omaha District's Sedimentation ProgramNick Barbarossa and the General Hydraulics Section Calculating Backwater, Flood, and Water Surface ProfilesMargaret PetersenMargaret Petersen cont'dFrank CampbellHydraulics and Hydrology in the Omahoma and Missouri River DivisionOhama DistrictMissouri River Division - EP-870-1-620039Missouri River Division cont'd - EP-870-1-620040Missouri River Division cont'd - EP-870-1-620041Missouri River Division cont'd - EP-870-1-620042Chief, Technical Engineering Branch, Missouri River Division Chief, Technical Engineering Branch, Missouri River Division cont'dSediment Section Field Teams Change from Missouri River Division to the Missouri River RegionChange from Missouri River Division to the Missouri River Region cont'dPlanning and Completing Diversions at Fort Randall, Garrison, Gavis Point, Oahe, and Big Bend DamsPlanning and Completing Diversions at Fort Randall, Garrison, Gavis Point, Oahe, and Big Bend Dams cont'dEarly Computer Modeling in the Ohama District Early Computer Modeling in the Ohama District cont'd - EP-870-1-620051Early Computer Modeling in the Ohama District cont'd - EP-870-1-620052Early Computer Modeling in the Ohama District cont'd - EP-870-1-620053Don BondurantMissouri River Sediment Advisory Board Missouri River Sediment Advisory Board cont'dHydraulics and Sedimentation in the Ohama DistrictThe Emergence of Planning and Organizational Restructuring Ohama District's Engineer Division under Jerry AckermannEd SoucekWendell Johnson Wendell Johnson cont'dAke AlinContacts with Hydraulic Personnel at the Office of the Chief of Engineers Corps of Engineers and Bureau of Reclamation Dam Design CriteriaCorps of Engineers and Bureau of Reclamation Dam Design Criteria cont'dOther Contacts at OCEAl CochranJake DoumaOmaha District Work with the Waterways Experiment Station (WES)WES and the Missouri River Division LaboratoryChannel Stabilization Committee ProjectsHydrologic Engineering Center (HEC) - EP-870-1-620073The Use of Consultants Surge Tanks on the Mainstem DamsSurge Tanks on the Mainstem Dams cont'dDeveloping WHAMOSurge Tank DesignPenstock Design Penstock Design cont'dPenstock Design cont'dSecond Powerhouse at Fort Peck DamChanges in the Fort Randall Design Sedimentation Studies and Wind Wave Protection in the Mainstem ReservoirsSedimentation Studies and Wind Wave Protection in the Mainstem Reservoirs cont'dDesign and Construction of Large Earth Dams Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical ConsiderationsConstruction Planning Tainter GatesTainter Gates cont'dComputer Modeling and Management of Mainstem Reservoir OperationsComputer Modeling and Management of Mainstem Reservoir Operations cont'dDegradation of the Missouri River below Gavins Point Natural and Aircraft CutoffsNatural and Aircraft Cutoffs cont'd - EP-870-1-620095Natural and Aircraft Cutoffs cont'd - EP-870-1-620096Degradation and Reregulation of Flows on the Missouri RiverDegradation and Reregulation of Flows on the Missouri River cont'dProblems with the Delta of the Niobrara RiverProblems with the Delta of the Niobrara River cont'dThe Platte RiverSedimentation IssuesSedimentation Issues cont'd - EP-870-1-620103Sedimentation Issues cont'd - EP-870-1-620104Reservoir Operations Benifit-Cost CalculationsEnvironmental Changes in the Missouri River's Regimen Effect of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)Effect of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) cont'd - EP-870-1-620109Flood Control Reservoir System in the Omaha Area Flood Control ProjectsEffect of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) cont'd - EP-870-1-620112Flood Protection in Major Urban AreasFlood Protection in Major Urban Areas cont'dOmaha and Lincoln, Nebraska Denver, ColoradoOther Urban Projects Problems with Project Approvals at OCEAuthorizing and Funding Local Protection Projetcs Effect of the Water Resources Development Act of 1986Effect of the Water Resources Development Act of 1986 cont'd - EP-870-1-620121Effect of the Water Resources Development Act of 1986 cont'd - EP-870-1-620122Recreation BenefitsEstimating Project Benefits and CostsEstimating Project Benefits and Costs cont'd - EP-870-1-620125Estimating Project Benefits and Costs cont'd - EP-870-1-620126Estimating Project Benefits and Costs cont'd - EP-870-1-620127Computer Model for Calculating Flood Damages Navigation Improvements on the Missouri RiverNavigation Improvements on the Missouri River cont'd - EP-870-1-620130Navigation Improvements on the Missouri River cont'd - EP-870-1-620131The Channel Stabilization CommitteeThe Channel Stabilization Committee cont'd - EP-870-1-620133The Channel Stabilization Committee cont'd - EP-870-1-620134Environmental and Water Quality Operations StudiesComputer's in the Missouri Division Computer's in the Missouri Division cont'd - EP-870-1-620137Computer's in the Missouri Division cont'd - EP-870-1-620138Relocations of Towns, Roads, Railroads, and UtilitiesRelocations of Towns, Roads, Railroads, and Utilities cont'd - EP-870-1-620140Relocations of Towns, Roads, Railroads, and Utilities cont'd - EP-870-1-620141Relocations of Towns, Roads, Railroads, and Utilities cont'd - EP-870-1-620142Organizational Structure - EP-870-1-620143Organizational Structure cont'd - EP-870-1-620144Bob PaffordThe Role of the Military LeadershipThe Role of the Military Leadership cont'dJack MorrisMark SisinyakMark Sisinyak cont'dBill Ray Centers of Expertise Centers of Expertise cont'd - EP-870-1-620153Centers of Expertise cont'd - EP-870-1-620154Centers of Expertise cont'dCenters of Expertise cont'd - EP-870-1-620156Military Construction - EP-870-1-620157Corrugated Metal RoofingUnderground Heat Distribution SystemsUnderground Heat Distribution Systems cont'dArmy Military Construction WorkExperience in Consulting WorkEcuador Bangladesh PakistanPakistan cont'dIndonesiaExpert TesimonyEP 870-1-62