Margaret S. Petersen
And then you stayed until
We just talked about your whole time in Little Rock.
Is there anything else in the Little Rock years that you can remember? A particular
significant experience?
Not that I can think of off-hand.
You wrote a major report on the channel stabilization program on the Arkansas that WES
or someone else published?
Yes. The 1963 ASCE paper was on the Arkansas River cutoffs. A lot of the material on
cutoffs in River Engineering is from that paper. That paper was translated into French and
republished by PIANC also.
You wrote those papers basically to pass on the experience that you had there?
Well, it was to share with others what we were doing. There was much interest in bank
stabilization at that time. Several Corps Districts were doing a lot of bank protection work--
on the Missouri, Rio
Savannah, Apalachicola, and Columbia Rivers. There was a
committee in the Waterways and Harbors Division of ASCE on bank stabilization. I was on
that committee for a long time, ten, twelve years, or so.
Arkansas River Cutoffs
Were you involved in that Corps of Engineers' Bank Stabilization Committee, the one that
Jake Douma was involved with?
When I was in Little Rock, yes. The same ASCE paper was published in one of the reports
on bank stabilization.
So it was ASCE and WES.