Q ..
Well, I'll have to check that.
A ..
He must have moved on. I think he went back up to Pennsylvania on some activity.
Another chap I knew well that worked for the Corps for a long time and then went
to the Bonneville Power Administration was Morgan Dubrow. He had quite a
career moving around from one job to another. Another well-known in the field,
not only in hydrology but government activities, was Schad. I'm trying to think of
Q ..
Ted Schad?
A ..
Yes. I got to know him. He's a member of the Cosmos Club. He was at the
Library of Congress when I first met him. He was active on the Washington scene.
That's how I remember. Ray Linsley, I suppose you've run into his name.
Q ..
No, I haven't.
A ..
He was down in Knoxville when I was there, and he was in the group that did the
river forecasting.
Q ..
He was the one you couldn't remember his name last time?
A ..
No .
Q ..
Well, that's a new name for me.
Oh, the one that became chairman of the TVA was John "Red" Wagner. That
wasn't Ray Linsley. But after I joined the Weather Bureau, I think Linsley came to
the Weather Bureau via the SCS, but anyhow, Merrill Bernard hired him for the
Weather Bureau and sent him out to Sacramento to set up a river forecasting district
out there. Linsley became a, heck, he was one of the outstanding hydrologists of
the country. He was on several presidential commissions. After he left the
government, he became a professor at the university just south of San Francisco.
Q ..