Franklin F. Snyder
Q ..
Did you have any knowledge of what was going on and any views of what the
controversy was about?
Well, of course, I don't know whether it's a matter of history or not. I remember
it as a big argument, but, there was some sort of an agreement. I believe it was
actually legislative rather than a mutual agreement. The Corps and the SCS kind of
split the game up. In other words, they handled projects of a certain size, with
certain objectives, and the Corps took the bigger ones. I'm not sure just what the
language was. Had you run into that before?
I know there was some kind of size discrimination made between the Corps and the
Soil Conservation Service on those flood conservation service projects.
I think it was mainly legislative. There was some legislature covering it, dividing
the territory up.
Q ..
Well, apparently as a result of this controversy Howard Cook and Richard Hertzler
left the Department of Agriculture and joined the Corps of Engineers.
Who was the second one?
Q ..
Richard Hertzler.
Oh, yes, both of those were friends of mine. Howard Cook, I think, was married
to Robert E. Horton's daughter. He had worked at the laboratory up in New York
where Robert E. Horton was. I think Howard worked for him before he got into the
Federal activities. I'd known him before he came to the Corps. Then after he came
to the Corps, I got to know him better. Richard Hertzler, I forget. I think maybe
I met him in Pennsylvania. I've forgotten just what my relationship with Richard
Hertzler was, but I remember when he was on the Washington scene. Where did
he work?
Q ..
I guess he must have worked in OCE.
I think maybe it was in the office of the Assistant Chief of Army for Civil Works.