Franklin F. Snvder
forest lands. So he hired three of the civils, two other fellows and myself, out of
civil engineering graduates to do the survey.
I got the job of being in charge of it and having the office work. The other two,
Henry Demboski `32 and Erwin Eckhardt `33, did the field work. They would take
the CCC enrollees and train them in the fundamentals of surveying, and then start
marking the boundaries of the state forest land. It was a lot of fun. I figured out
where some cornerstones used to be, should be, and then I'd go hunting for them,
and found a number of them, like that. But it was interesting. We were hired by
the State Forestry Department. Since it was paid by the federal government, I got
credit for that time.
Q ..
Time in service?
Time in Federal service, yes.
Geological Survey
Q ..
Now, according to your biography here, you worked at that for about a year, from
July of `33 to April of `34.
A ..
Yes. Then because of my work on that water thesis and Professor Sherman's
relationship with the Geological Survey, I got an offer to be a junior engineer with
the Geological Survey on a special study that they set up to study floods, rainfall,
and runoff. That was under the direction of a W.G. Hoyt. It was funded by PWA
(Public Works Administration).
Q ..
There was also a Civil Works Administration for just a little while.
Well, anyhow, they had to have a political endorsement. Even then I was a
Republican, but the camp carpenter foreman introduced me to the county Democratic
Chairman and I went and talked to him. He didn't mind whether I was a Democrat
or not. He gave me the endorsement, which was just a sort of a paper thing that
they had to have in Washington. So then I was accepted as a junior engineer for the
Geological Survey. It was a temporary appointment and not regular civil service,
although again, I got credit for that time.