Franklin F. Snyder
Q ..
A ..
`28, yes. That reminds me. I do remember World War I, they had a false armistice
three days before the real armistice on November 11, 1918. That was one thing I
always remember. My birthday is on November 11.
Q ..
Significant day.
A ..
Armistice Day, yes, yes.
Q ..
Were there any teachers in Libbey High School that particularly influenced your
later career?
A ..
They didn't influence me as far as career-wise, but they did influence me in
studying, and that sort of thing. It's hard for me to understand now why they have
such a hard time educating children. I just can't understand what the problem is
anymore. Everybody in those days, what they went to school for was to get an
education. There weren't any side issues that kept them from doing that.
Q ..
So they made you work and do a lot of homework?
I don't really remember about whether I had much homework or not in Grade
School, but I'm sure I did, although I don't think it was, it wasn't like it was in high
school, that's for sure.
University of Toledo
Now, you went from there to the University of Toledo?
A ..
Q ..
Did you have any other options available to you? I mean was there a reason you
went to Toledo?
We went there for the high school part. Then I intended to go to Ohio State, but
financially , it was just better for me to take the first two years at the University of