EP 1165-2-1
30 Jul 99
B-189. 18 December 1991, Public Law 102-240--Intermodal Surface
Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA). Establishes a national
intermodal surface transportation system, authorizes funds for
construction of highways, for highway safety programs and for mass
transit programs.
Wetlands Mitigation. Sections 1006 and 1007 authorize use of
transportation funds for wetlands mitigation efforts, including
National High-Speed Ground Transportation Programs. Section 1036
establishes a National Magnetic Levitation Prototype Development
Program to be managed by a Program Director appointed jointly by the
Secretary of Transportation and Assistant Secretary of the Army for
Civil Works. A portion of the funds shall be derived from the Highway
Trust Fund.
B-190. 30 September 1992, Public Law 102-372--Tourism Policy and
Export Promotion Act of 1991. Amends the International Travel Act of
1961 to assist in the growth of international travel and tourism into
the United States.
Tourism Policy Council. Section 15 amends Section 302 of the
International Travel Act of 1961 by adding the Chief of Engineers and
others as members of the tourism policy council.
B-191. 6 October 1992, Public Law 102-386--Federal Facilities
Compliance Act of 1992. Section 102 amends Section 6001 of the Solid
Waste Disposal Act to provide that Federal facilities must comply with
Federal and state environmental laws and requirements. Section 104
amends section 3007(c) of the Solid Waste Disposal Act to require
annual inspection of Federal facilities by the Administrator of EPA.
States with an authorized hazardous waste program may also conduct
inspections for the purposes of enforcing the facilities' compliance
with the State hazardous waste program. The department or agency must
reimburse the EPA for the costs of the inspection. At the first
inspection, EPA is to conduct comprehensive groundwater monitoring.
(42 U.S.C. 690)
B-192. 6 October 1992, Public Law 102-396--Department of Defense
Appropriations Act of 1993. Section 9137 states the sense of the
Congress that the Corps of Engineers should evaluate new concrete
construction technologies to identify those that could, if used in
future construction, reduce the extent of damages caused by
B-193. 24 October 1992, Public Law 102-486--Comprehensive National
Energy Policy Act. Section 2406 authorizes the Secretaries of
Interior and Army to plan, design, construct, operate and maintain
power generation improvements and replacements at their projects in
the Pacific Northwest Region. They are also authorized to operate and
maintain their power facilities that they and the Administrator of the
Bonneville Power Administration determine necessary or appropriate
with any funds that the Administrator makes available for such
B-194. 31 October 1992, Public Law 102-575--Reclamation Projects
Authorization and Adjustments Act of 1992.
Cost Sharing for New Recreation Facilities. Section 2804 amends P.L.
89-72 (Federal Water Project Recreation Act) regarding cost sharing
requirements for the provision of new recreation facilities. The
requirement for the sponsor to assume 100 percent of operations,
maintenance, and replacement costs is changed to "not less than one
half the costs." Although the original law was directed at the Bureau