EP 1165-2-1
30 Jul 99
Disaster Recovery Efforts. Section 917 further amends Section 5 of
the 1941 FCA, as amended, to authorize the Chief of Engineers, in an
area where the Corps is already performing flood emergency work, for
a 10-day period following a Governor's request for a disaster or
emergency declaration under the Disaster Relief Act of 1974, to
perform any emergency work essential for the preservation of life and
Waterborne Petroleum Product Information Release. Section 919 directs
the Secretary to disclose information about petroleum products
transported by vessel and reported to the Waterborne Commerce
Statistics Center to any State taxing agency upon written request for
purposes of administration of State tax laws when State law forbids
disclosure to the public.
Waterborne Commerce Non-Compliance: Civil and Criminal Penalties.
Section 919 amends 33 U.S.C. 555 by increasing the fine for non-
compliance from 0 to ,000 and added a civil penalty of up to
,500 per violation.
Acquisition of Recreation Lands. Section 926 provides that lands for
project recreation shall be acquired concurrently with land for other
project purposes. Also, it authorizes aquisition of lands, as part of
a Corps project, for public park and recreation uses.
Interim Use of Water Supply Storage for Irrigation. Section 931
authorizes interim allocation of future water supply storage for
irrigation purposes.
Water Supply Act Amendments. Section 932 eliminates the 10-year
interest free period for future water supply; modifies the interest
rate formula; limits the repayment period to 30 years; and requires
allocated annual operation, maintenance and replacement costs to be
reimbursed annually. (Amendments apply only to Corps projects.)
Sand Fill. Section 933 modifies Section 145 of Public Law 94-587 to
authorize 50 percent Federal cost sharing of the extra costs for using
dredged sand from Federal navigation improvements and maintenance
efforts for beach nourishment.
Periodic Nourishment. Section 934 modifies Section 156 of Public Law
94-587 to authorize the Corps to extend aid in periodic nourishment up
to 50 years from the date of initiation of project construction.
Removal of Wrecks. Section 939 amends Section 15 of the 1899 R&H Act
to require owners to reimburse the Corps for costs of removal in
excess of salvage value.
Mitigation of Shore Damage. Section 940 amends Section 111 of Public
Law 90-483 to allow implementation of nonstructural measures to
mitigate shore damages resulting from Federal navigation works; to
require local interests to operate and maintain Section 111 measures;
and to require cost sharing of implementation costs in the same
proportion as for the works causing the shore damage.
Aquatic Plant Control. Section 941 increased the limitation on annual
expenditures by the Corps for the program to million.
Historical Properties. Section 943 authorizes restoration,
preservation and maintenance of historic properties on Corps lands if
they are entered in the National Register of Historic Places.
Dredge Disposal. Section 945 sets limitations on permissable disposal
of Corps dredging vessels.
Use of FmHA Funds. Section 950 provides that Farmers Home
Administration funds can be used to pay the non-Federal share of any
other Federal grant-in-aid program.
Project Deauthorization. Section 1001(a) provides that any project
authorized for construction in this Act shall be deauthorized as of
the fifth anniversary of its enactment if funds have not been
allocated for construction prior to that date. Section 1001(b)
establishes a new procedure, replacing the procedure established by
Section 12 of Public Law 93-251, for deauthorization of previously