EP 1165-2-1
30 Jul 99
19-26. Procedures for Ecosystem Restoration Using Dredged Material
for New Navigation Projects or Modifications (Construction).
Feasibility studies for new navigation projects or modifications to
existing navigation projects shall include an examination of the
feasibility of using dredged material for ecosystem restoration.
Ecosystem restoration measures included in specifically authorized
navigation projects do not rely on the authority of Section 204 of
WRDA 1992 and do not count against the annual appropriation limits of
Section 204. Funding for implementation of these measures would be
requested as part of the specific Construction, General (CG) funding
for the new navigation project or improvement following authorization.
19-27. Procedures for Ecosystem Restoration Using Dredged Material
for Existing Navigation Projects (Maintenance Dredging). Identifying
opportunities for use of maintenance dredging material for ecosystem
restoration projects will require the close cooperation of planning
and operations elements and early coordination with potential non-
Federal sponsors. In the development of dredged material management
plans for each Federal project, an examination of the potential for
ecosystem restoration projects using dredged material should be
included. Large habitat projects using maintenance dredging material
which are beyond the scope of the Section 204 program may be pursued
under a specific study authority or studied under the authority of
Section 216 of the River and Harbor and Flood Control Act of 1970, (PL
91-611) and be specifically authorized. (See paragraph 5-2.d)
19-28. Procedures for Ecosystem Restoration Using Dredged Material
for Navigation Projects In Pre-Construction Engineering and Design
(PED) or Construction. The authority of Section 204 of WRDA 1992 may
be used to add ecosystem restoration measures to utilize dredged
material from navigation projects in the PED or construction phases
where such measures were not included in the authorized plan for the
project. PED or construction funds for the basic navigation project
would be utilized for the initial appraisal for these ecosystem
restoration projects. Ecosystem restoration projects added during the
PED phase must be carefully coordinated to be compatible with the
navigation project schedule and not unduly delay the initiation of
navigation project construction.
19-29. Consideration of Project Modifications for Improvement of the
Environment. Section 1135 of WRDA 1986, as amended (Public Law 99-
662) recognizes the potential of modifying existing Corps project
structures, operations, and/or areas where the Corps project
contributed to the degradation of the ecosystem for the purposes of
provisions of Section 1135 of WRDA 1986, as amended, include:
a. Section 1135(a) which authorizes the Secretary of the Army
to review the operation of water resources projects constructed by the
Secretary to determine the need for modifications for the purpose of
b. Section 1135(b) which authorizes the Secretary of the Army
to make such modifications in the structures and operations of water
resources projects which are feasible and consistent with the
authorized project purposes, and which will improve the environment in
the public interest.