EP 1130-2-500
27 Dec 96
1. Inspection Agreement. The Coast Guard upon proper application will inspect Corps of Engineers
vessels and issue Certificates of Inspection to such vessels when they are found to comply with the
applicable statutes and vessel inspection regulations. In any case where, after inspection, it is found
that a Certificate of Inspection cannot be issued, the applicant for inspection will be furnished with
a written statement setting forth the particulars in which the vessel fails to meet Coast Guard require-
2. Applicable Vessel Regulations.
a. The Rules and Regulations for Cargo and Miscellaneous Vessels (CG-257), and Rules and
Regulations for Tank Vessels (CG-123), will be considered the basic Coast Guard rules and
regulations applicable to Corps of Engineers vessels, insofar as they reasonably apply.
b. Corps of Engineers vessels being vessels of the Department of Defense and used for public
purposes, are not subject to the provisions of the International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea
and, accordingly, will not normally be furnished with Convention certificates.
3. Manning. The Coast Guard will specify the minimum manning requirements on the Certificate of
Inspection. A sufficient number of personnel will be properly licensed and certificated in accordance
with Rules and Regulations for Licensing and Certificating of Merchant Marine Personnel (CG-191)
to meet the minimum manning requirements. In addition, all other personnel in the deck, engine,
steward and other departments will possess United States Merchant Mariners Document (Certificate
of Identification) under the provisions of CG-191. Such licensing and/or certification will be required
as a condition of employment.
4. Shipment and Discharge. The employment of crew members will be in accordance with the laws
and regulations of the Civil Service Commission.
5. Casualty Review. Corps of Engineers vessels and their Masters will report marine casualties to
the Coast Guard and the Coast Guard will investigate such casualties in accordance with the laws and
regulations applicable to vessels of the United States.
6. Disciplinary Action. The Coast Guard will take action under R. S. 4450 as amended (46 USC 239)
against those crew members whose possession of valid seamen's documents issued by the Coast
Guard is a condition of employment. Any disciplinary action considered appropriate by the Corps
of Engineers will be taken under Civil Service Commission laws and regulations.
7. Modification of Standards.
a. Vessels of Special Design. In the case of Corps of Engineers vessels of special design, the
Coast Guard may, in individual cases, permit such variation from the requirements of law and