EP 1130-2-500
27 Dec 96
14-1. Purpose. This chapter establishes guidance for research, planning and operations for the
USACE Aquatic Plant Control Program.
14-2. Background.
a. An Aquatic Plant Control (APC) Program is maintained by the Corps to control
specific types of aquatic plant infestations of major economic significance, or weed infestations
that have, or potentially may, reached such economic significance, in navigable waters, tributaries,
streams, connecting channels and all allied waters. The APC Program is authorized under Section
104 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1958 (PL 85-500), as amended, and Sections 103, 105, and
712 of the Water Resources Development Act of 1986 (PL 99-662).
b. Initial problem appraisal is to be directed toward investigation of the specific aquatic
plant problem, not generalized surveys of aquatic vegetation. The common indigenous
submersed, floating, and emergent species do not generally meet the program criteria merely
because they may qualify as "obnoxious aquatic plants" under the language of the authorizing
c. Work Not Eligible Under This Program. The APC Program authorized by Section 104
of PL 85-500, as amended, and as modified by Sections 103, 105, and 712 of PL 99-662, is not
an Operation and Maintenance (O&M) program. Aquatic plant control necessary for O&M of
authorized reservoirs, channels, harbors, or other water areas under the jurisdiction of the Corps
of Engineers or other Federal agencies, will not be undertaken as part of this program except as
such areas may be used for experimental purposes. Subordinate commands will fund aquatic plant
control work required for O&M of Corps operating projects through the normal O&M budget
d. Intergovernmental Review. The APC Program is specifically included under the
purview of EO 12372, Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs (para 3). This executive
order requires Federal agencies to provide opportunities for consultation by those State and local
governments which provide non-Federal funds for, or that would be directly affected by, proposed
Federal financial assistance or direct Federal development.
14-3. Guidance.
a. Authorization of Planning Studies. The Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army
(Civil Works) authorizes reconnaissance and feasibility studies. Upon authorization, HQUSACE
(CECW-ON) approves work allowances and allocates funds based on district requests. Districts
may request funds for these studies in annual budget submissions or by special request through
division to HQUSACE (CECW-ON).
b. Planning Studies. Planning studies determine if sufficient justification exists for Federal
(Corps) involvement with an aquatic plant problem and identify the most efficient means of
aquatic plant management. Consult ER 1105-2-100, Guidance for Conducting Civil Works
Planning Studies, for specific details on policies and procedures for conducting these planning
studies. The three planning studies and associated reports are (1) initial appraisal (Letter