EP 1110-2-9
31 Jul 94
(1) Using the Interior Flood Hydrology Program,
c. Drains--size, slope, material, inlet/outlet, operation
evalu ate two gravity outlets larger than the "minimum
procedures, etc.
facility" at each of the three gravity drain locations.
d. Pumping--capacities, start-stop pump elevations,
(2) Evaluate interior excavated storage at the only site
sump design, outlet design, scour protection, operating
where it is currently thought feasible.
floor elevations, etc.
(3) Evaluate three capacities of pumping plants at
C-12. Hydrologic Engineering Reporting
each of two sites.
(4) Evaluate interior ditch improvements for the two
a. Project Management Plan--Estimate major hydro-
main ditches.
logic engineering activities in the preconstruction engi-
neering and design (PED) phase, prepare initial HEMP for
b. Forward data to an economist and cost engineer
PED work, prepare time and cost for hydrologic engineer-
for each increment. Supply hydrologic data for wetland
ing, activity schedule.
b. Hydrologic Engineering Appendix to the Feasi-
C-11. Hydraulic Studies
bility Report--Using the detailed HEMP as appropriate,
outline and write the text, prepare tables and figures.
Some of the design work will have already been incor-
porated in the above activities.
c. Environmental Assessment Report--Provide data
to environmental section. Supply text, figures, plates, as
a. Levees--levee design profile, controlled overtop-
ping design, gravity drain design for "minimum facility,"
Channels--channel geometry, bridge modifications,
scour protection, channel cleanout requirements, channel
and bridge transition design, etc.