EP 1110-1-8
(Vol. 10)
31 July 03
Prime and Secondary Power
Prime power refers to the primary operating engine for the dredge or other piece
of attendant plant. Secondary power refers to all other secondary engines or power
plants. If more than one secondary power engine is present, the horsepower is totaled.
Fuel consumption factors are prepared on the same basis as in chapter 2. Hourly fuel
costs are calculated separately for the primary and secondary engines. The formula
used is expressed as follows:
Hourly Fuel Cost = Horsepower x Fuel Cost/Gallon x Engine Fuel Factor
Horsepower is the engines rated horsepower.
Fuel Cost/Gallon is based on values shown in appendix B. See chapter 3 for
fuel cost adjustments.
Fuel Factor - Gas or Diesel Fuel. The fuel factor is listed in table 4-1 for the
primary and secondary engines.
Water, Lube, and Supplies (WLS)
This factor is similar to the filters, oil, and grease (FOG) factor described in
chapter 2. This item is computed as either a percentage of the hourly fuel costs or, if
the type of plant has no engine, a reasonable hourly cost should be included.
This factor does not include an allowance for the oiler normally assigned to the
dredge or other piece of dredging plant. The formula is expressed as follows:
Water, Lube, and Supply Cost = WLS factor x Hourly Fuel Cost
WLS Factor is obtained from table 4-1.
Hourly Fuel cost is calculated as shown in paragraph 4-12.
Repairs (RPR)
This factor includes an allowance for all major and minor repairs and is similar to
the maintenance and repair cost factor (RCF) described in chapter 2. The economic
adjustment factor (EAF) and the labor adjustment factor (LAF) are required to develop
this cost. The formula is expressed as follows:
Repair Cost = (Total Plant Value x RPR x EAF x LAF)
Life in hr