EP 1110-1-8
(Vol. 10)
31 July 03
Table 2-1. Hourly Equipment Ownership and Operating Expense
Example unit of equipment: American Crane, Model 5530, 75 Ton, 170-boom.
CAT: C90 is the category number and identifies it as Cranes, Mechanical, Lattice
Boom, Truck Mounted (from appendix D).
ID No.: C90LI001 is the unique identification number for the above Link Belt crane. AM
equals the manufacturer (see appendix H). 001 equals the numeric order of this unit of
equipment within the manufacturer's listing.
MODEL: HC-238H is the equipment model number.
EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION: Specific information for each particular unit of equipment
is described, such as "150 ton with a 280-foot boom" for the Link Belt crane.
amount of
horsepower and type of
fuel used is stated for the main and carrier engines. The Link Belt crane carrier has a
430-horsepower engine, and the crane has a 207-horsepower engine. Both engines
are diesel (D).
VALUE (TEV): This column reflects the predetermined "equipment cost" used to
compute the rates and is based on equipment purchased new in 2000.
TOTAL HOURLY RATES ($/HR): All ownership and operating expenses for the
average condition are included. All cost elements, including fuel, are totaled in the
AVERAGE column. The STANDBY column includes the hourly allowance for
equipment on legitimate standby status (see section 2-27 for more information).
ADJUSTABLE ELEMENTS: This column shows ownership elements and fuel costs
used to develop the average total hourly rates so they can be adjusted as indicated in
chapter 3. Operating costs may be determined by subtracting the ownership cost
elements (DEPR plus FCCM) from the total hourly rate for the average condition.
CWT: The shipping weight of the equipment is stated in hundredweight.