EP 1110-1-31
31 Aug 01
If the two additional spike samples fail, the sample batch shall be considered invalid
for the matrix represented.
If laboratory data are rejected and insufficient quantities of the samples remain to allow re-
analysis of the samples while adhering to QA/QC requirements, the Contractor shall collect and
submit additional samples, at no cost to the Government, for laboratory analysis using NLLAP
QA/QC protocols. The Contractor shall also be responsible for any re-sampling required due to
laboratory errors that result in the destruction or loss of data, or a failure to report results on any
samples submitted.
Contractor Certification of Project Data Validity
The Contractor shall certify that all field data collected to determine the presence of a lead
hazard were valid and meet the DQOs.
Comparison with Table A-1 Lead Hazard Action Levels
The Contractor shall compare the collected data with the lead hazard criteria listed in Table A-1
to determine whether lead-based paint and/or lead hazards are present. This comparison shall be
documented in the Lead Inspection/Risk Assessment Report.
For all lead hazard evaluations, the data shall be examined to determine if consistent patterns
emerge (e.g., the window troughs contain high levels, while floors and interior sills are low);
such patterns will be used in the development of recommendations for focused cost-effective
control measures.
Laboratory Report
The Contractor shall require that the laboratory report info rmation necessary for the Contractor
to comply with the data evaluation/validation requirements outlined in this SOW. The
Laboratory Report shall include the following information addressing all field samples submitted
to it by the Contractor excluding sa mple data collected by the Contractor using XRF
cover page information including Laboratory name and address, methods, dates,
instruments, digestions, and signature of the laboratory director
sample information including identification and results for blanks, QC samples,
samples, dilution factors, and batch identification
results of initial precision and accuracy runs
results of calibration, including sources of standards and detection limits
results of blanks, including type of blank, and any corrections used