EP 1110-1-28
31 Aug 01
Collection of Dried Paint Samples for Lead Determination by Atomic Spectrometry Techniques
(E 1729).
Soil Sampling
Each composite sample shall include not less than two (2) and not more than ten (10) sub-samples
collected from distinct locations roughly equidistant from each other along an axis. Sub-samples along
drip lines shall generally be collected two to six feet from each other. In other sampling locations such
as play areas sub-samples shall be collected from roughly equidistant locations along each leg of an X-
shaped pattern.
Sample collection shall be conducted in accordance with the most current edition of Standard Practice
for Field Collection of Soil Samples for Lead Determination by Atomic Spectrometry Techniques,
ASTM Standard E 1727.
Sample Identification
Dust, paint chip, and soil samples shall be identified using unique sample numbers. Field and laboratory
blanks and spiked samples submitted to the laboratory for QA/QC purposes shall be numbered in such
a way that the sample identity will not be revealed to personnel conducting the analysis.
Sample Chain-of-Custody
The Contractor shall follow a standard chain-of-custody protocol to ensure and document a continuous
record of sample possession from sample collection to receipt by the laboratory. The Contractor shall
complete and maintain chain-of-custody forms for each set of samples shipped to the laboratory, and a
copy of the forms shall accompany each shipment of samples. Form 7 is included as an example chain-
of-custody form. See Figure B-7 in Appendix B.
The Contractor shall include copies of all chain-of-custody forms completed during the assessment in
the Risk Assessment Report.
Field sampling equipment shall be decontaminated following the appropriate ASTM standard. At a
minimum, the field decontamination procedures for non-disposable sampling equipment (e.g., knives,
coring devices, scrapers) shall consist of either wiping the equipment off twice using a clean wet wipe
each time, or washing in a solution of non-phosphate detergent (e.g., Liquinox), and rinsing with
distilled water. The equipment shall be decontaminated prior to each use, between each sample, and
prior to leaving the site. Disposable latex gloves shall be discarded after each sample. Gloves need not
be changed between each sub-sample when collecting composite soil samples. The Contractor shall
coordinate with the installation environmental officer to determine requirements for the disposal of
decontamination waste and used personal protective equipment.
Sample Preparation and Analysis