EP 1110-1-27
27 Jan 00
Chapter 10
O&M Equipment Needed
10-1 Overview
There is a variety of equipment available for initial delivery of maintenance chemicals, developing wells,
and handling well pumps. These are generally described in ADITC (1997), Borch et al. (1993), NGWA
(1998), Alford and Cullimore (1999), and other publications with a focus on field equipment and
techniques appropriate to well PM. The following recommendation is not intended to be all-inclusive, but
illustrative. Such systems should not be assembled or operated without training by personnel experienced
in these practices.
10-2 Example Basic Well Maintenance Field System
a. Chemical mixing. A tank trailer should be equipped with
500-gal (1.9 cu m) chemical mixing tank for chemicals (acid duty, see EM 1110-1-4008).
A second set of tanks to contain purge water for transfer to treatment. These tanks often need
to be augmented by additional portable tanks.
Transfer pumps (in line to mix and feed to the well) and hoses with fittings to match those at
treated wellheads.
Provision to house personal protective gear and additional safety gear such as ventilator
blowers and harnesses, MSDS, and material and instruction for neutralization and first aid,
spare parts, and basic chemical mix recipes. Also included should be a convenient means to
call for assistance such as a wireless telephone or site-frequency radio.
b. Equipment handling. A means of hoisting and handling chemical drums, pumps, and associated
pipe systems is needed. Commonly this is a conventional water well pump hoist with a maneuverable
boom, of sufficient size to hoist any object to be lifted in the well field (not < 5-ton (4535 k) hoisting
(1) Some hoists are equipped with reciprocating beams to permit surging. These are suitable for
light surging redevelopment that is not of long duration.
(2) Alternatives include small, motorized, reversible pump puller units that apply force to pipe via
rubber tires or tracks. The motion is reversible, suitable for surging, and also permits rapid pump pulling
for service and inspection. This will save much time and effort. Rigid well pipe would be specified for
this application.
(3) Flexible well discharge pipe is coiled in the same manner as fire hose. A wheel device to run
the hose smoothly from the vertical to the horizontal orientation is needed. These are routinely supplied
by the hose supplier.
c. A development and test pumping trailer. This trailer should house:
Development tools such as surge blocks or jets, brushes, or equipment for recirculation
Spare pipe and hose.