EP 1110-1-18
24 Apr 00
The ASSHP will require that the site visit be conducted by at least two individuals who maintain
constant communication and line-of-sight with each other. Provisions must be made for off-site
(2) Review and Approval. The review process for the ASSHP is determined by whether
the document is prepared to support the PAE, SI or EE/CA phase of an OE response action. If
the ASSHP is prepared for the PAE, the district is responsible for executing and approving the
ASSHP. If the ASSHP is prepared for the SI or EE/CA phases, the OE Design Center is
responsible for executing and approving the ASSHP. During the SI and EE/CA phases, the
district will review the SSHP and provide comments or written concurrence or non-concurrence.
The ASSHP must be approved prior to departure for the site.
(3) Modification. When new information becomes available, the ASSHP should be
revised in coordination with the OE Safety Manager.
c. Health and Safety Design Analysis. The applicability of a Health and Safety Design
Analysis (HSDA) for OE design will depend on the complexity of the removal operations and the
type of work. If an HSDA is applicable, it will be prepared in accordance with the requirements
of ER 385-1-92. If it is not applicable, the contractor will provide a negative declaration and
d. Safety, Health, and Emergency Response Specifications. The applicability of a Safety,
Health and Emergency Response Specification for OE design will depend on the complexity of
the removal operations and the type of work. If a Safety, Health, and Emergency Response
Specification is applicable, it will be prepared in accordance with the requirements in ER 385-1-
92. If it is not applicable, the contractor will provide a negative declaration and justification for
20-10. Accident and Incident Reporting.
a. All accidents will be reported and investigated to determine the cause of the accident
and develop controls to prevent recurrence. Notification and reporting will be in accordance with
AR 385-40, Accident Reporting and Records, and USACE Suppl 1 to AR 385-40.
b. The UXOSO is responsible for accident reporting. For contracts under the supervision
of the district, accidents will be reported to the district safety office with an informational copy to
be forwarded to the OE MCX. USACE district personnel will report through the OE MCX and
Command channels to CESO.
c. If CWM is encountered during site activities, all work will cease, workers will evacuate
upwind, the site will be secured, and the proper authorities will be notified. Chemical event
reporting will begin based on the time of release confirmation and must not wait until location
and isolation of the leaking munition is accomplished.