EP 1110-1-18
24 Apr 00
b. Local fire, police and rescue authorities having jurisdiction and nearby medical facilities
that would be utilized for emergency treatment of injured personnel will be contacted before the
start of OE response operations in order to notify them of upcoming site activities and potential
emergency situations, to ascertain their response capabilities, and to obtain a response
c. The following items, as appropriate, will be immediately available for on-site use during
the conduct of OE response operations: first aid equipment and supplies approved by the
consulting physician; fire extinguishers; and emergency eyewashes/showers (as necessary).
20-9. Health and Safety Submittals. The following required health and safety documents will be
submitted in accordance with ER 385-1-92 for all OE response activities.
a. Site Safety and Health Plan. Prior to performing on-site work, USACE personnel and
contractors are required to complete a SSHP in accordance with the requirements of 29 CFR
1910.120(b)(4), 29 CFR 1926.65(b)(4), and ER 385-1-92.
(1) Contents. The SSHP will be based on limiting the exposure to a minimum amount of
UXO and a minimum number of personnel for the minimum time consistent with safe and
efficient operations. A description of the elements required in the SSHP is found in the OE
MCX DID OE-005-06, "Site Safety and Health Plan", which is located on the OE MCX website
at http://www.hnd.usace.army.mil/oew.
(2) Review and Approval. The OE Design Center executes the SSHP. The SSHP will be
forwarded to the district for review as well as the MSC and OE MCX for monitoring. The OE
Design Center provides final approval for the SSHP.
b. Abbreviated Site Safety and Health Plan. When preliminary project activities of a non-
intrusive nature are conducted on potential OE sites prior to work plans and SSHPs being
approved (e.g., site visits, pre-work plan visits, and public affairs visits), an ASSHP will be
prepared. If a contractor will be involved in the site visit, the UXOSO will prepare the ASSHP.
If only government personnel take part in the site visit, the OE Safety Specialist will prepare the
ASSHP. All site visit participants will read, sign and comply with the ASSHP and attend all
safety briefings held by the UXOSO or OE Safety Specialist (as applicable). On FUDS projects,
the property owner may accompany the site visit team and should be invited to attend safety
briefings even though they cannot be expected to comply with the ASSHP. If the site is
operating under an existing SSHP that adequately addresses the appropriate OE safety issues, an
ASSHP is not required.
(1) Contents. Appendix H includes an example format for developing an ASSHP. While
the ASSHP may be presented in a format other than depicted, all of the information listed in
Appendix H and additional information required due to site-specific conditions must be included.