Environmental Cleanup at Former and Current MIlitary Sites: A Guide to ResearchLibrary of Congress Catalog-in-Publication Data - EP-870-1-640003Foreword - EP-870-1-640004About AuthorsContents - EP-870-1-640008National Archives and Records Administration Archives and Records Centers: An Important DistinctionFigure 1. NARA Archives and Records CentersUnderstanding the TerminologyFigure 2. Accession Number Master ListFigure 3. Transmittal Government Records Form Preparing for Research Figure 4. Sample Research NoticeFigure 5. Researcher Application Form Figure 6. Reference Service SlipFigure 7. Reference Request Research Procedures cont'dNARA Repositories in the Washington, D.C. Area Figure 8. Civilian Conservation Corps DocumentRecord Group 38, Records of the Office of the Chief of Naval OperationsFigure 9. Works Progress Administration PhotographFigure 10. Chief of Naval Operations MemorandumFigure 11. Bureau of Aeronautics MemorandumRecord Group 74, Records of the Bureau of Ordnance Figure 12. Navy Request for SurveyEntry 87: Letters Received, 1888-1889Figure 13: Los Angeles Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Record Group 92, Records of the Office of the Quartermaster GeneralFigure 14. Construction Completion Report, Scituate Proving Grounds Figure 15. Description of Fort Carroll, Maryland Figure 16. Northern Army Headquarters Letter Figure 17. Compilation of Naval TargetsFigure 18. Scioto Ordnance Plant Survey of PremisesEntry 437: Military Guard Section, Inspection Reports. 1918-1919Figure 19. Federal Works Agency Project Listing Figure 20. Seacost Defense Projects Branch MemorandumFigure 21. Letter to Secretary of War from Governor of Alabama Record Group 175, Records of Chemical Warfare Service Figure 22. Chemical Corps Memorandum Figure 23. Report on the Defense of WashingtonFigure 24. Third Infantry Field ReturnRecord Group 394, Records of U.S. Army Continental CommandsFigure 25. Fort Niagra MemorandumFigure 26. United States Senate MemorandumArchives II (College Park, MD)Entry 292: Air Adjustant General's Unclassified Cenral Decimal File, 1942-1944Record Group 71, Records of the Bureau of Yards and DocksRecord Group 74, Record of the Bureau of Ordnance Record Group 80, General Records of the Department of the Navy Figure 27. War Department Installation Board ReportEntry 99: Formerly Top Secret Correspondence of Secretary of War (Safe File), 1940-1945Entry 213: Office,Assistant Secretary of War for Air, Robert A. Lovett, Decimal File, 1941- 1949Figure 28. California-Arizona Maneuver Area Memorandum Record Group 143, Records of Bureau of Supplies and AccountsRecord Group 159, Records of the Office of the Inspector GeneralFigure 29. Headquarters, Second Army Memorandum Figure 30. Army Service Forces Memorandum Record Group 165, Records of War Department General and Special StaffsRecord Group 179, Record of the War Production Board figure 31. Army and Navy Munitions Board Directory Record Group 240, Records of Smaller War Plants Corporation Record Group 270, Records of the War Assets Administration Figure 32. Federal Bureau of Investigation MemorandumRecord Group 335, Records of the Office of the Secretary of the Army Figure 33. Army Field MemorandumRecord Group 338, Records of U.S. Army Commands, 1942Figure 34. Memorandum for Chief of Staff, Panama Ranges Figure 35. Schedule 1, Commercial and Indusrtial Facilities Figure 36. Department of the Air Force MemorandumRecord Group 342, Records of U.S. Air Force Commands Activities, and OrganizationsFigure 37. Air-to Air Rockets Operational RequirementsCartographic and Architectural BranchFigure 38. Department of the Air Force Installation ReportStill Picture BranchFigure 39. Defense Intelligence Agency Aerial Photographic Mosiacs Figure 40. Amphibous Training Center, Camp Gordon Johnston, FloridaMotion Picture, Sound, and Video Branch Washington National Records Center (Suitland, MD)Figure 41. Navy Ordnance and Gunnery Administrative HistoryRecord Group 80, General Records of the Department of the Navy, 1798 - 1947Record Group 168, Records of the Natuional Guard Bureau Record Group 341, records of U.S. Air Force Headquarters (Air Staff)NARA Repositories - Regional Records Services Facilities Pacific Region (Laguna Niguel )Figure 42. Headquarters, Second Air Force MemorandumFigure 43. Eleventh Naval District Memorandum Figure 44. Chief of Engineers MemorandumRecord Group 96, Records of the Farmers Home AdministrationFigure 45. Los Angeles District's Report of ExcessFigure 46. U.S. Marine Corps Air Solution Memorandum Figure 47. Yuma Army Air Field Location MapRecord Group 26, Records of the U.S. Coast Guard - EP-870-1-640099Record Group 181, Records of the Naval Districts and Shore Rocky Mountain Region (Denver)Southeast Regions (Atlanta)Record Group 49, Records of the Bureau of Land Management Figure 48. Kentucky Ordnance Works Memorandum Great Lakes Region (Chicago)Record Group 74, Records of the Bureau of OrdnanceFigure 49. Reconstruction Finance Corporation ReportNortheast Region (Boston)Region Group 103, Records of the Farm Credit Administration Figure 50. Chief of Ordnance MemorandumFigure 51. Martha's Vineyard Certification of Clearance Central Plains Region (Kansas City)Record Group 121, Records of the Public Buildings ServiceNARA - National Personnel Records Center (ST. Louis)Record Group 80, General Records of the Department of the Navy, 1798 -1947Mid-Atlantic Region (Northwest PhiladelphiaRecord Group 26, Records of the U.S. Coast Guard - EP-870-1-640117Southwest Region (Forth Worth) Figure 52. Coast Artillery Corps Memorandum Record Group 96, Record of the Farmers Home Administration Pacific Alaska Region (Seattle)Record Group 72, Records of the Bureau of Aeronautics Other Regional Records CentersCentral Plains Region (Lee's Summit)Military History Offices and Archives U.S. Army Military History InstituteAir Force Historical Research Agency Record Groups Applicable to Specific Military Sites Navy EP 870-1-64