The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in the Persian Gulf WarCover PhotosLibrary of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data - EP-870-1-500004Foreword - EP-870-1-500005Foreword cont'dThe Author - EP-870-1-500008Acknowledgements - EP-870-1-500009Acknowledgements cont'dContents - EP-870-1-500011Contents cont'd - EP-870-1-500012Introduction Setting The SceneSouthwest AsiaGeneral H. Norman SchwarzkopfLieutenant General John YeosockSetting The Scene cont'dOperation Desert Shield/StormSecretary of Defense Richard Cheney talks with soldiers of the 24th Infantry Division from FortTent city of the 82d Airborne Division.Soldiers of the 24th Infantry Division set up temporary quarters in this warehouse after arrivingSetting The Scene cont'd Chapter 1 Shaping the Engineer ForceNavy Construction SupportEngineer DoctorineEngineer Doctorine cont'd - EP-870-1-500027Engineer Doctorine cont'd - EP-870-1-500028Engineer Operatios during the Defend-and-Deter PhaseEngineer Operatios during the Defend-and-Deter Phase cont'd - EP-870-1-500030Engineer Operatios during the Defend-and-Deter Phase cont'd - EP-870-1-500031Engineer Operatios during the Defend-and-Deter Phase cont'd - EP-870-1-500032Engineer Operatios during the Defend-and-Deter Phase cont'd - EP-870-1-500033Engineer Preparation for Offensive OperationsEngineer Preparation for Offensive Operations cont'd - EP-870-1-500035Engineer Preparation for Offensive Operations cont'd - EP-870-1-500036Engineer Preparation for Offensive Operations cont'd - EP-870-1-500037Engineer Preparation for Offensive Operations cont'd - EP-870-1-500038Engineer Preparation for Offensive Operations cont'd - EP-870-1-500039M1A1 tank in Saudi Arabia.Soldiers of the 72d Engineer Company, 24th Infantry DivisionObservations cont'd - EP-870-1-500042Chapter 2 The Corps of Engineers RespondsCorps' Presence in Saudi ArabiaU.S. forces extensively used King Khalid Military City, a billion facility near the Iraqi border.Corps' Presence in KuwaitCorps' Presence in Kuwait cont'd - EP-870-1-500047Corps' Presence in Kuwait cont'd - EP-870-1-500048The Corps Deploys to Southwest AsiaThe Corps Deploys to Southwest Asia cont'd - EP-870-1-500050The Corps Deploys to Southwest Asia cont'd - EP-870-1-500051The Corps Deploys to Southwest Asia cont'd - EP-870-1-500052Organization Dhahran Area OfficeThe Corps Deploys to Southwest Asia cont'd - EP-870-1-500054Command and Control Issuesim Ellis and Ben Wood share space in the Corps' Dhahran Area OfficeCommunications IssuesRecruiting, Processing, and Deploying Corps CiviliansRecruiting, Processing, and Deploying Corps Civilians cont'd - EP-870-1-500059Recruiting, Processing, and Deploying Corps Civilians cont'd - EP-870-1-500060Recruiting, Processing, and Deploying Corps Civilians cont'd - EP-870-1-500061Recruiting, Processing, and Deploying Corps Civilians cont'd - EP-870-1-500062Recruiting, Processing, and Deploying Corps Civilians cont'd - EP-870-1-500063Recruiting, Processing, and Deploying Corps Civilians cont'd - EP-870-1-500064Observations - EP-870-1-500065Observations cont'd - EP-870-1-500066Ordnance Program DivisionLogistics Support for Suadi Arabian ForcesStrengtened Relationship with Saudi ArabiaIndividual Mobilization AugmenteesIndividual Mobilization Augmentees cont'dFunding Corps ActivitiesFunding Corps Activities cont'd - EP-870-1-500073Funding Corps Activities cont'd - EP-870-1-500074Chapter 3 Saudi Arabian and Japanese SupportSaudi Arabian and Japanese Support cont'd - EP-870-1-500076Saudi Arabian and Japanese Support cont'd - EP-870-1-500077Saudi Arabian and Japanese Support cont'd - EP-870-1-500078Saudi Arabian and Japanese Support cont'd - EP-870-1-500079Contracting ProcessContracting Process cont'd - EP-870-1-500081Contracting Process cont'd - EP-870-1-500082Transferring Contracts to Saudi ArabiaTransferring Contracts to Saudi Arabia cont'd - EP-870-1-500084Transferring Contracts to Saudi Arabia cont'd - EP-870-1-500085Support from the Government of JapanSupport from the Government of Japan cont'd - EP-870-1-500087Support from the Government of Japan cont'd - EP-870-1-500088Japanese officials visit the base camp of Colonel T dReid's 197th Infantry Brigade.FIDIC Construction Contract cont'd - EP-870-1-500090FIDIC Construction Contract cont'd - EP-870-1-500091FIDIC Construction Contract cont'd - EP-870-1-500092FIDIC Construction Contract cont'd - EP-870-1-500093Observations - EP-870-1-500094Observations cont'd - EP-870-1-500095Chapter 4 Engineer Construction Civil Engineer Support PlanProcessing Engineer RequirementsProcessing Engineer Requirements cont'd - EP-870-1-500099Processing Engineer Requirements cont'd - EP-870-1-500100Construction Standards and DesignConstruction Standards and Design cont'd - EP-870-1-500102Construction Standards and Design cont'd - EP-870-1-500103Cement masonry building under construction at a life support area.Construction Standards and Design cont'd - EP-870-1-500105Construction Standards and Design cont'd - EP-870-1-500106Construction MaterialsBase course stockpile area for work at King Fahd International AirportConstruction Materials cont'dObstacles to ConstructionTitle 10, U.S. CodeTitle 10, U.S. Code cont'd - EP-870-1-500112Title 10, U.S. Code cont'd - EP-870-1-500113Title 10, U.S. Code cont'd - EP-870-1-500114Title 10, U.S. Code cont'd - EP-870-1-500115Title 10, U.S. Code cont'd - EP-870-1-500116Observations - EP-870-1-500117Observations cont'd - EP-870-1-500118Chapter 5 Construction ContractsLife Support AreasLife Support Areas cont'd - EP-870-1-500121Life Support Areas cont'd - EP-870-1-500122Life Support Areas cont'd - EP-870-1-500123Life Support Areas cont'd - EP-870-1-500124Grader spreads marl at a life support area.Main Supply RoutesMain Supply Routes cont'dMap provided by the U.S. Army Center of Military HistorySoldiers and equipment from the 20th Engineer Brigade work on a new road bed.Dust PalliativesDust Palliatives cont'd - EP-870-1-500131Dust Palliatives cont'd - EP-870-1-500132Hand application of dust palliative at Al Hasa.Emulsified asphalt was used as a dust palliative at Thadj.Dust Palliatives cont'd - EP-870-1-500135Two asphalt paving machines work side by side at the King Fahd International AirportWorkers place concrete at one of the four CH-47 helicopter refueling padsDust Palliatives cont'd - EP-870-1-500138Dust Palliatives cont'd - EP-870-1-500139Well DrillingA contractor drills for water in the Saudi Arabian desert.Well Drilling cont'dConstruction to Support Redeployment Soldiers clean vehicles at a wash rack in Saudi Arabia.Observations - EP-870-1-500145Observations cont'd - EP-870-1-500146Observations cont'd - EP-870-1-500147Chapter 6 Supply ContractsLatrines, Showers, and WashstandsContractors assemble latrine, shower, and washstand units for U.S. soldiers.Expedient StructuresClamshell buildings, manufactured in Santa Barbara, California, were used for aviation maintenanceSide view of a clamshell building at King Fahd International AirportExpedient Structures cont'dEquipmet RentalEquipmet Rental cont'd - EP-870-1-500156Equipmet Rental cont'd - EP-870-1-500157Observations - EP-870-1-500158Chapter 7 Leasing Real EstateInitial Deployment Leasing AuthoritiesProcessing RequirementsProcessing Requirements cont'dLease NegotiationsLease Negotiations cont'd308th Engineer Detatchment (Real Estate)308th Engineer Detatchment (Real Estate) cont'dHost Nation Leasing SupportHost Nation Leasing Support cont'd - EP-870-1-500169Host Nation Leasing Support cont'd - EP-870-1-500170Lease Assignment Lease Assignment cont'd - EP-870-1-500172Lease Assignment cont'd - EP-870-1-500173Leasing During RedeploymentObservations - EP-870-1-500175Observations cont'd - EP-870-1-500176Observations cont'd - EP-870-1-500177Chapter 8 Suport from Corps LaboratoriesTopographic Support and Terrain AnalysisTopographic Support and Terrain Analysis cont'd - EP-870-1-500180Topographic Support and Terrain Analysis cont'd - EP-870-1-500181Topographic Support and Terrain Analysis cont'd - EP-870-1-500182Topographic Support and Terrain Analysis cont'd - EP-870-1-500183Water DetectionConstruction and Construction Management Dust ControlOther Laboratory SupportObservations - EP-870-1-500188Powering thr TheaterPowering thr Theater cont'd - EP-870-1-500190Powering thr Theater cont'd - EP-870-1-500191Conclusion - EP-870-1-500192MobilityFunding - EP-870-1-500194Civilian DeploymentCivilian Deployment cont'dIntroduction - EP-870-1-500197Chapter 1. Shaping the Engineer Force Shaping the Engineer Force cont'd - EP-870-1-500199 Shaping the Engineer Force cont'd - EP-870-1-500200Chapter 2. The Corps of Engineers Responds The Corps of Engineers Responds cont'd - EP-870-1-500202 The Corps of Engineers Responds cont'd - EP-870-1-500203Ordnane Program Division Chapter 3. Saudi Arabian and Japanese SupportSaudi Arabian and Japanese Support cont'd - EP-870-1-500206Saudi Arabian and Japanese Support cont'd - EP-870-1-500207Chapter 4. Engineer Construction Engineer Construction cont'd - EP-870-1-500209 Engineer Construction cont'd - EP-870-1-500210 Engineer Construction cont'd - EP-870-1-500211 Engineer Construction cont'd - EP-870-1-500212Chapter 5. Construction Contractors Construction Contractors cont'dConstruction Contractors cont'd - EP-870-1-500215Construction Contractors cont'd - EP-870-1-500216Chapter 6. Supply ContractorsChapter 7. Leasing Real EstateLeasing Real Estate cont'd - EP-870-1-500219Leasing Real Estate cont'd - EP-870-1-500220Chapter 8. Laboratory Support Laboratory Support cont'dPowering the TheaterPowering the Theater cont'dAcronyms - EP-870-1-500225Acronyms cont'd - EP-870-1-500226Acronyms cont'd - EP-870-1-500227Bibliography - EP-870-1-500228Bibliography cont'd - EP-870-1-500229Bibliography cont'd - EP-870-1-500230Congressional DocumentsInterviews - EP-870-1-500232Interviews cont'd - EP-870-1-500233Index - EP-870-1-500234Index cont'd - EP-870-1-500235Index cont'd - EP-870-1-500236Index cont'd - EP-870-1-500237Index cont'd - EP-870-1-500238Index cont'd - EP-870-1-500239Index cont'd - EP-870-1-500240Index cont'd - EP-870-1-500241Index cont'd - EP-870-1-500242Index cont'd - EP-870-1-500243Index cont'd - EP-870-1-500244Index cont'd - EP-870-1-500245Index cont'd - EP-870-1-500246Index cont'd - EP-870-1-500247For Further ReadingOffice Of HistoryEP 870-1-50