Engineers and IrrigationLibrary of Congress Cataloging in Publication DataForeword - EP-870-1-390005AcknowledgmentsContents - EP-870-1-390008Introduction - EP-870-1-390010Introduction (cont) - EP-870-1-390011Introduction (cont) - EP-870-1-390012Introduction (cont) - EP-870-1-390013Introduction (cont) - EP-870-1-390014Introduction (cont) - EP-870-1-390015Introduction (cont) - EP-870-1-390016Introduction (cont) - EP-870-1-390017Introduction (cont) - EP-870-1-390018Introduction (cont) - EP-870-1-390019Introduction (cont) - EP-870-1-390020Introduction (cont) - EP-870-1-390021Introduction (cont) - EP-870-1-390022Introduction (cont) - EP-870-1-390023Introduction (cont) - EP-870-1-390024Introduction (cont) - EP-870-1-390025Introduction (cont) - EP-870-1-390026Introduction (cont) - EP-870-1-390027Introduction (cont) - EP-870-1-390028Introduction (cont) - EP-870-1-390029Introduction (cont) - EP-870-1-390030Introduction (cont) - EP-870-1-390031Introduction (cont) - EP-870-1-390032Introduction (cont) - EP-870-1-390033Introduction (cont) - EP-870-1-390034Introduction (cont) - EP-870-1-390035Fig. 1. Map 2The new technologies did not come without costs.Brereton continued his efforts to arrange financing and build the San Joaquin canal project.From the 1850s through the 1870s the democratic political culture of California stavedDuring the 1870s Californians struggled to discover this "modified system of the future".The act creating the office of State Engineer ordered a study of the three major problems facing the valleyThe Irrigation Commission in 1873 laid the foundation for a systemNotes - EP-870-1-390044Notes (cont) - EP-870-1-390045Notes (cont) - EP-870-1-390046Notes (cont) - EP-870-1-390047Notes (cont) - EP-870-1-390048Notes (cont) - EP-870-1-390049Notes (cont) - EP-870-1-390050Notes (cont) - EP-870-1-390051Notes (cont) - EP-870-1-390052Notes (cont) - EP-870-1-390053Notes (cont) - EP-870-1-390054The San Joaquin, Tulare, and Sacramento Valleys of the State of CaliforniaIrrigation of The San Joaquin, Tulare, and Sacramento Valleys, CaliforniaContents - EP-870-1-390058Chapter 1.IntroductoryIntroductory (cont)Preliminary ReconnaissanceThe MapChapter II.Statement of Reasons Why Irrigation is Necessary on the Pacific CoastStatement of Reasons Why Irrigation is Necessary on the Pacific Coast (cont)The orographical features of the country conspire with the climatic conditions to render crops uncertain in particular sectionsThe average yearly rain-fall over the basin of the Great Valley is sufficient to insure good crops annuallyRain-fall at Visalia, 1981-'72, when a full crop was securedThe average yearly rain-fall over the basin of the Great Valley is sufficient to insure good crops annually (cont)Table showing the extremes of rain-fall at various localities in CaliforniaTable showing the extremes of rain-fall at various localities in California (cont)With a proper system of controlling the waters of precipitation and delivering them to cultivated lands When needed, annual crops may be assuredWith a proper system of controlling the waters of precipitation and delivering them to cultivated lands When needed, annual crops may be assured (cont)The climate is mild throughout the wet or winter season, and especially well suited for all agricultural pursuitsTable of temperatures in and adjacent to the Great ValleyThe climate is mild throughout the wet or winter season, and especially well suited for all agricultural pursuits (cont)The Great Valley of California is admirably adapted for irrigationThe Great Valley of California is admirably adapted for irrigation (cont) - EP-870-1-390079The Great Valley of California is admirably adapted for irrigation (cont) - EP-870-1-390080The Great Valley of California is admirably adapted for irrigation (cont) - EP-870-1-390081The Great Valley of California is admirably adapted for irrigation (cont) - EP-870-1-390082The Great Valley of California is admirably adapted for irrigation (cont) - EP-870-1-390083The Great Valley of California is admirably adapted for irrigation (cont) - EP-870-1-390084Chapter III.Necessity of SurveysThe System of IrrigationThe System of Irrigation (cont)The System of Irrigation (cont)The Influence of Irrigation on the Navigation of RiversThe Influence of Irrigation on the Navigation of Rivers (cont)The Influence of Irrigation on the Navigation of Rivers (cont) - EP-870-1-390092The Influence of Irrigation on the Navigation of Rivers (cont) - EP-870-1-390093What is IrrigationWhat is Irrigation (cont)What is Irrigation (cont) - EP-870-1-390096What is Irrigation (cont) - EP-870-1-390097Sketch B.Existing and Hypothetical CanalsGeneral Considerations - EP-870-1-390100The Irrigation of the Foot-Hills, Storage-Reservoirs, Mining, Reclamation of Overflowed Lands, ETC.The Irrigation of the Foot-Hills, Storage-Reservoirs, Mining, Reclamation of Overflowed Lands, ETC. (cont)Chapter IV. History, description, and statistics of irrigation in foreign countriesChapter IV. History, description, and statistics of irrigation in foreign countries (cont)Irrigation in IndiaIrrigation in India (cont)Irrigation in India (cont) - EP-870-1-390107Irrigation in India (cont) - EP-870-1-390108Irrigation in India (cont) - EP-870-1-390109Irrigation in India (cont) - EP-870-1-390110DrainagePrimary DitchesStatistics of Canals in IndiaOther Irrigation-Works in the PunjabProgress of irrigationGeneral RemarksChannel-Irrigation in the Deltas of Rivers in the Madras ProvincesThe Godavery DeltaThe Godavery Delta (cont)Private Canals in IndiaThe East India Irrigation CompanyThe East India Irrigation Company (cont)Public worksPublic works (cont)Irrigation in ItalyTable showing temperature, rain-fall, and weather during the season of irrigation in PiedmontTable of temperature in Milan from March to SeptemberCanals in LombardyCanals in the PiedmontStatistics of canals from the Dora BalteaStatistics of canals from the Ticino, &c.Canals in the Piedmont (cont)Canals in the Piedmont (cont) Canals in the Piedmont (cont)Irrigation in SpainThe mean annual rain-fall for different parts of Spain for four years, from 1858 to 1861Irrigation in Spain (cont)Spanish Law in Regard to Canals, and Conditions of Agreements made with Private CompaniesSpanish Law in Regard to Canals, and Conditions of Agreements made with Private Companies (cont)Spanish Law in Regard to Canals, and Conditions of Agreements made with Private Companies (cont) - EP-870-1-390140Spanish Law in Regard to Canals, and Conditions of Agreements made with Private Companies (cont) - EP-870-1-390141Spanish Law in Regard to Canals, and Conditions of Agreements made with Private Companies (cont) - EP-870-1-390142Irrigation in FranceChapter V.Cost of IrrigationCost of Irrigation (cont)Cost of Irrigation (cont) - EP-870-1-390147Cost of Irrigation (cont) - EP-870-1-390148Conclusions - EP-870-1-390149Conclusions (cont)Conclusions (cont) - EP-870-1-390151Conclusions (cont) - EP-870-1-390152Appendix 1.Appendix 1. (cont)Appendix 1. (cont) - EP-870-1-390155Appendix 1. (cont) - EP-870-1-390156Appendix 1. (cont) - EP-870-1-390157Appendix 1. (cont) - EP-870-1-390158Appendix 1. (cont) - EP-870-1-390159Association-General of Irrigation West of the SESIAAppendix 1. (cont) - EP-870-1-390161Appendix 1. (cont) - EP-870-1-390162Appendix 2. Statistics of the San Joaquin and Tulare Valleys, California, for the year 1872Appendix 3.Act of Congress Approved July 26, 1866Act of the Legislature of California, April 2, 1870Notes - EP-870-1-390167Notes (cont) - EP-870-1-390168Notes (cont) - EP-870-1-390169Notes (cont) - EP-870-1-390170Bibliography - EP-870-1-390171Bibliography (cont)Bibliography (cont) - EP-870-1-390173Bibliography (cont) - EP-870-1-390174Bibliography (cont) - EP-870-1-390175Bibliography (cont) - EP-870-1-390176Bibliography (cont) - EP-870-1-390177Bibliography (cont) - EP-870-1-390178Achival MaterialMapsIndex - EP-870-1-390181Index (cont) - EP-870-1-390182Index (cont) - EP-870-1-390183Index (cont) - EP-870-1-390184Index (cont) - EP-870-1-390185EP 870-1-39