ASBESTOS ABATEMENT GUIDELINE DETAIL SHEETSAsbestos TrainingABATEMENT DETAIL SHEETSPart 1. ASBESTOS ABATEMENT DETAIL SHEETS InstructionsRelative Hazard and Risk AssessmentBuilding OccupancyResponse Action OptionsAbatement Decision AlternativesWork Area ContainmentMini-ContainmentModified Containment AraesRespiratory ProtectionTable 1. Recommended Respirator Selection for Protection Against AsbestosTable 2. Asbestos Abatement Setup DetailsTable 3. Response Action DetailsTable 3. Response Action Details (cont)Table 4. Response Action Detail Sheets by Abatement MethodTable 4. Response Action Detail Sheets by Abatement Method (cont)Table 4. Response Action Detail Sheets by Abatement Method (cont)Administrative ConsiderationsFigure 1. Notification of Demolition and Renovation Sample FormatFigure 1. Notification of Demolition and Renovation Sample Format (cont)Contract complianceTable 5. Final Air Clearance RequirementsContainment Area ConsiderationsFigure 2. Waste and Shipment Record Sample FormatFigure 2. Waste and Shipment Record Sample Format (cont)Air-Exhausting SystemPersonnel decontamination unitResponse Action SelectionDemolition and Renovation FactorsAbatement DesignReview of FactorsReplacement DesignPart 2, Setup DetailsInstallation of critical barrier and full containment area (for carpeted floors)Installation of critical barrier and full containment area (for hard floor surfaces)Installation of critical barrier and full containment area (for vinyl tile floors)Single bulkhead containment areaDouble bulkhead containment areaMini-containment areaVentilation of containment area and decontamination unit, HEPA filtersContainers-double baggingContainers-leak-tight wrappingContainers-corrugated cardboard boxesGlove bagArea warning signs and warning tapeRespiratory protection tableProtective ClothingDisposal container labelDecontamination unit signagePreparation of full containment area for final clearance (for carpeted floors)Preparation of full containment area for final clearance (for hard-surface floors)Preparation of containment area for final clearance (for vunyl tile floors)Certification of Final Cleaning and Visual InspectionLoad-out unit floor planModified containment areaDecontamination unit floor planDecontamination unit piping detailsTemporary equipment enclosureAccess tunnelAsbestos power vacuum collection and removal systemCleaning and storageStructural critical barrierBridging encapsulation of troweled wall plasterRepair of troweled wall palster on stud wallRepair of troweled ceiling or wall plaster on masonryRemoval of troweled wall plaster on masonryRemoval of troweled wall plaster on stud wallBridging encapsulation of solid or acoustical ceiling plasterRemoval of troweled ceiling plaster on structural substrateRemoval of troweled ceiling plaster on hung ceilingEnclosure of acoustical wall plaster on masonry wallBridging encapsulation of acoustical wall plasterPenetrating encapsulation of acoustical wall and ceiling plasterCombination encapsulation of acoustical wall and ceiling plasterRepair of acoustical ceiling or wall plasterRemoval of acoustical wall plaster on masonryEnclosure of acoustical ceiling plaster, spray-on fireproofing, and thermal insulationRemoval of acoustical ceiling plaster (nonasbestos subtrate)Removal of miscellaneous asbestos-containing materialsRemoval of asbestos decorative paint on plasterRemoval of light curtainRemoval of interior asbestos cement, fiberboard, and drywall panelsBridging encapsulation of asbestos cement wall, fiberboard, and drywall panelsRemoval of asbestos-contaminated masonry for masonry chimneyRemoval of asbestos-contaminated masonry wall or thermal insulationRemoval of suspended asbestos cement ceiling tileRemoval of asbestos cement architectural productsRemoval of suspended acoustical ceiling tileRemoval of glued-on acoustical ceiling and wall tileRepair of vinyl asbestos tile adhered to concrete floor systemRemoval of vinyl asbestos tile adhered to concrete floor system by asbestos-containing adhesiveRemoval of vinyl asbestos tile adhered to concrete floor system by asbestos-free adhesiveRemoval of vinyl asbestos tile and chemical dissolution of asbestos-containing adhesives on concrete floor systemRepair of vinyl asbestos tile adhered to wood floor system by asbestos-containing adhesiveRemoval of vinyl asbestos tile adhered to wood floor system by asbestos-containing adhesiveRemoval of vinyl asbestos tile adhered to wood floor system by asbestos-free adhesiveRemoval of sheet-flooring adhered to wood floor systemRemoval of sheet-flooring adhered to concrete floor system by asbestos-containing adhesiveRemoval of carpeting (asbestos-containing or -contaminated)Encasement of fireproofing or thermal insulation of beams and deckingEncasement of fireproofing or thermal insulation on columnsRemoval of fireproofing or thermal surface insulationEncasement of acoustical ceiling insulationRemoval of acoustical ceiling insulationEnclosing asbestos-contaminated soilPenetrating encapsulation of asbestos-contaminated soilRemoval of asbestos-contaminated soilRemoval of built-up roofing and flashingRemoval of roof, shingles, and underlayBridging encapsulation of exterior asbestos stuccoBridging encapsulation of interior asbestos stuccoRepair of interior asbestos struccoRemoval of exterior asbestos stuccoRepair of exterior asbestos stuccoRemoval of asbestos cement sidingRemoval of asbestos cement roofingRemoval of asbestos-containing walkway coverRemoval of asbestos-contaminated metal sidingRemoval of asbestos cement sunscreen louversRepair of pipe and fitting insulation (using glove bag)Removal of pipe insulation (using glove bag)Removal of horizontal pipe insulation (using containment area)Removal of pipe insulation (using mini-containment area)Encasement of storage tank or boiler breechingBridging encapsulation of storage tank and boiler breechingRepair of storage tank and boiler breechingRemoval of storage tank and boiler breeching insulationRemoval of pipe-fitting insulation (using glove bag)Removal of asbestos-insulated electrical wiringRemoval of asbestos-insulated electrical fixtureRemoval of boiler firebox insulationBridging encapsulation of boiler and piping gasketsRemoval of boiler and piping gasketsRepair of duct insulationRemoval of duct insulationRemoval of asbestos cement pipeRemoval of asbestos cement ductworkRemoval of asbestos flex connectorEP 1110-1-11