________________________________________________________________________Richard S. Kem
SUBJECT: OPMS Command Selection and Selection of District Engineers
Increases assignment turbulence by permitting premature rotation of officers from
District Engineer positions for troop command.
b. Alternative II - Troop command selection board selects District Engineers with troop
commanders on a single list.
(1) District Engineer and Troop Command are recognized colonel commands.
(2) Eliminates "halo" effect of few engineer command selectees.
(4) Permits engineer colonels to indicate an honest preference for district or troop command (not
the experience this year).
(5) Precludes premature rotation of officers from district engineer positions to troop command.
(1) Precludes dual assignment of an officer as a District Engineer and Troop commander.
(2) Could complicate eligibility and selection criteria (assumes there would be different criteria).
(3) Clouds Army-wide clear-cut distinction of troop command. (Assumes distinction is
c. Alternative III - Troop Command Selection Board selects separate lists of officers for troop
command and for District Engineers.
Same as for Alternative II.
(1) Could complicate eligibility and selection criteria (assumes there would be different criteria).
(2) Clouds Army-wide clear-cut distinction of troop command. (Assumes distinction is
(3) Limits OPD assignment flexibility unnecessarily.
d. Alternative IV - Troop Commanders and District Engineers selected by independent boards.