Engineer Memoirs _____________________________________________________________________
To continue on, the civilian labor folks--they were a part of and worked under the 18th
Brigade and were very skilled folks. When we had inside jobs, drywall and doing that sort of
thing, they were the people who really had that capability and skills. Being under the 18th
Brigade commander, they were moved here and there and really fixed things up.
Moving back to the ranges, one of the DCSENGR's responsibilities is to be the point of
contact with the Germans in the accommodations process.
That word "accommodations" has to do with activities of the United States forces in Europe.
It's not real estate; it's that they're accommodating us in particular kasernes. It also had to do
with environmental activities, training activities off post, maneuver damage, and a whole
bunch of things.
The DCSENGR, because a lot of that is focused on facilities, had been, prior to me, and
continued to be, the point of contact on the USAREUR staff to go up and interact with the
Bonn government in the Ministries of Defense and Finance. Defense would have some
aspects of that, and Finance would have other aspects of that. Major players in that were
Ministerialdirector Dr. Shaefgen in Defense and Ministerialdirector Eberhard Hubrich in
General Kem, Deputy Chief of Staff, Engineer (DCSENG), U.S. Army Europe (third from
left), with Mr. Korte of the West German Ministry of Defense (second from left),
Dr. Fischer, Ministry of Finance (second from right), and Jorge Fuentes, Chief of the
Real Estate Division, DCSENG (right). The picture was taken in Bonn in the
spring of 1988.