Jacob H. Douma
near Denver; the Engineering Consultants, Inc., outside of Seattle, Washington; and two
other smaller laboratories in California.
These four laboratories were asked to submit prototype proposals for construction of the
model and conducting the model tests. After the proposals were received, it was decided
that the Bureau and Seattle laboratories were well qualified to do the work. Both of those
were interviewed, and it was decided to have the work done in the Seattle laboratory
because it was simpler than working with a Federal agency.
Chick Sweeney, who was head of the Seattle laboratory, found that the large tunnel flows
in the model washed out the powerhouse road the same way as occurred in the prototype.
One remedial measure, which was tested, was to construct a stilling basin at the
downstream end of the tunnel. It turned out that the downstream end of the tunnel would
need to be realigned and lengthened so the stilling basin could be located in the right river
bank. This would be very costly.
The second remedial measure tested was to provide bank protection on the left river bank
to prevent road damage. Various sizes of rock, rebars, and concrete blocks were tested.
It was found that the best bank protection consisted of large concrete blocks at the toe of
the bank with large rock placed on the bank slope up to the road level. A concrete slab
was required in the area of major impact because sufficient large rock was not available.
The authority adopted this remedial measure and made an estimate of its cost.
About a year later, one of the authority engineers called to inform me that the remedial
works designed and cost estimate were completed but construction was not started because
of a delay in obtaining construction funds. He said, "Meanwhile, we haven't had any
major floods, and, if none occur in the next few years, construction may be delayed 10
years or more.
Back to where you started from, huh?
That's right.
Speaking of Arizona, did you have any involvement in either the Indian Bend Wash project
or the Central Arizona project?
No, I wasn't involved in that at all.