Jacob H. Douma
He was at the laboratory there in the late
Oh, he must have been up at Fort Collins.
He may have been at Fort Collins.
He went to work for the Corps in the Omaha District Office in the early 1940's. When
I went to the Chief's office in 1946, I met Frank in the Omaha District Office shortly
afterwards. He was in Hydraulics Design Branch there. One thing we talked about was
the hydraulic design criteria that the Bureau had developed and was publishing in design
criteria manuals.
I said that the Corps ought to be doing something like that, too. He agreed, but it was a
couple of years before I was able to persuade the people in the Chief's office that we
ought to develop our own design criteria. We got plenty of basic information, but we've
got to get somebody somewhere to sit down and put it together.
Slichter was Chief of the Engineering Division, and he said, "You think about it, work
something out, and come back. I had the idea that Frank Campbell was the type of
engineer who liked to collect available information and develop design criteria. Slichter
agreed that I should organize the work.
I called Frank and said, "I've got authority to organize the development of the Corps'
design criteria. I think the way to do it is to have the work done at the Waterways
Experiment Station. Are you interested in going to Vicksburg and working on this?" He
said, "Yes, I am." He went there, and arranged for two other laboratory people to work
with him. He finished his career working the last years or so down in Vicksburg. He
developed and published a lot of hydraulic design criteria. Frank retired nearly 20 years
ago and is still living in Vicksburg.
Q ..
What about Donald Barnes?
Don Barnes was in the Bureau's Denver laboratory when I was there. He was Jake
Warnock's assistant for a while. I worked with him on several model tests. He was an
exceptional person and engineer.
Q ..
Did he stay in the Bureau then?