A ..
As I say, hydrology was my hobby as well as my vocation, which isn't necessarily
a good thing, but it was enjoyable anyhow.
Q ..
So it worked out pretty well in your case?
A ..
Q ..
It's nice to have it that way, makes it a lot easier on you.
A ..
Yes. It would be terrible to be unhappy with what you're doing and I have a feeling
that an awful lot of people these days are in that situation. I don't know.
Q ..
Well, I think that's probably true.
A ..
Yes. I'm on a sucker list for all people trying to sell me these financial advisory
letters. I do some speculating to keep myself interested. This one I was recently
looking at, it demonstrated that taking into account inflation, that the average income
now is less now than it was years ago.
Q ..
Yes, the usable income.
A ..
Yes. The division between the haves and the have nots is getting worse all of the
time, a n d that's not good. They quoted somebody, "That that's the beginning of
the end.
Q ..
Well, you can never tell.
A ..
But I don't know how I got on to that.
Q ..
Well, if you have nothing else, I'd like to thank you for your time.
You're certainly welcome. I've enjoyed our conversations.