were prepared to supply that information under whatever conditions were wanted.
That goes back to the network that was set out with the Weather Bureau and
Geological Survey, but even though the Weather Bureau was the official government
agency for river forecasting the Corps always sort of did their own, too.
Q ..
You said Hathaway's gauges were critical to all of this?
Well, I was thinking of the program that he set out for the recording rain gauges
which were not involved in the model. But by that time the Geological Survey was
operating a lot of stream gauges for the Corps.
Q ..
Let me ask you since we talked about it, about WES itself, the Waterways
Experiment Station. When did you first work with WES and get to know what they
were doing down there?
Well, it would have been, I've tried to think whether I, I ever had any real business
with them before the model or not. I don't remember. I reviewed their reports, in
design studies that came in from the field offices. They did a lot of work on
spillways, and on levees, and that sort of thing. I'm sure I was familiar with their
work and reviewed their reports. But I don't believe I had much business with them
until the model got started.
Q ..
Did you know Joe Tiffany?
Oh, sure, sure. He was the key civilian. I have a letter from one of the directors,
who, when he left, wrote a real nice letter to me.
Q ..
How critical was Tiffany to the success of WES?
Well, of course, I don't have any personal experience, but I would say he had a big
hand in it. Even after he retired, he was still a consultant to them, wasn't he?
Q ..
I would say he had, I don't know whether he was better in administration or in
technical, but I suspect he was pretty good atboth. There was one of his assistants.