Engineer Memoirs
Library of Congress Cataloging-inPublicatin
Rowny, Edward L., 1917-
Ambassador Edward L. Rowny, Lieutenant General, U.S. Army.
(Engineer memoirs) (EP 870-1-49)
p. cm.
This edited manuscript is the product of 25 tape-recorded interviews
conducted by Barry W. Fowle.
Includes index.
1. Rowny, Edward L., 1917-
2. Generals-United States--
Interviews. 3. Military engineers-United States-Interviews.
4. Ambassadors-United States-Interviews. 5. United States.
Army--Biography. I. Fowle, Barry W., 1930- Il. Series.
Ill. Series: EP (Washington, D.C.) 870-1-49.
UG128.R68A3 1 9 9 5
EP 870-1-49