in 1985
explorer and pioneer in improving
John C . Fremont, leader of
Ohio River navigation
Western exploration by the
Topographical Engineers
Ohio and Mississippi river
The Essayons Button,
distinctive insignia of the Corps of
Crossing the Seine on a
ponton bridge, 1944
Space Shuttle Enterprise
Transit used in surveying
ready for liftoff
Steamboat Golden Eagle on the
Grader and roller at work on
Cumberland River
World War II airfield
U .S . Capitol dome under
construction, 1857
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
The history of the U .S . Army Corps of Engineers . 2nd ed .
p . cm .
"This pamphlet supersedes EP 360-1-21, JAN 86 ."
Includes bibliographical references .
1 . United States . Army . Corps of Engineers-History . I . United States
Army . Corps of Engineers . II . Title : History of the U .S . Army Corps of
Engineers .
UG23 .H68 1998
358' .22'0973-DC20
Second Printing
This pamphlet supersedes EP 360-1-21, JAN 86 .
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited .