Gilbert F. White
Townley, Ralph, 70
Relief work in Europe, 22-24
Religious convictions, 22, 28, 77,
Truman, Harry S, 29, 32
Turner, Frederick Jackson, 5
Resources for the Future, 34-35, 53
TVA. See Tennessee Valley
River and Harbor Act, 7
River basin development, 9-10, 70
A Unified National Program for
Rockefeller Foundation, 72
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 11,
Managing Flood Losses,
48-50, 55
12, 17, 19, 21, 68
Roper, Daniel C., 14
United Nations Development
Rural electrification, 9
Program, 70-71
United Nations Drinking Water
Salisbury, Rollin D., 4
Decade, 72
Saville, Thorndike, 12
United Nations Scientific
Schad, Ted, 40, 69, 70
Conference on the
Schussheim, Martin, 48
Conservation and Utilization
Scientific Committee on Problems
of Resources, 70
of the Environment, 67, 73,
University of Chicago
doctoral dissertation publication,
26-27, 30-31
SCOPE. See Scientific Committee
European influence on
on Problems of the
Geography Department, 4-5
Selective Service, 22
faculty member, 24, 34, 64
master's degree, 5-6
Senate Document 97, 40-41, 49
undergraduate years, 3-5
Senate Select Committee on Water
Resources, 39-40, 69
University of Colorado, 64-65
Sheaffer, Jack, 39
University of Michigan, Institute
for Social Studies, 76
Smith, Harold, 21
Snow, William, 11
University of Pennsylvania, 66
Upstream-downstream controversy,
Soil Conservation Service, 12, 13,
18-19, 35-36, 37
Staats, Elmer, 49
U.S. Geological Survey, 12, 43, 60
Steele, Harry, 48
Van Hise, Charles R., 4
Stockholm conference of 1972, 71
Sturgis, Samuel, 46
Volcanoes, 68
Volta River, Ghana, 71
Swedish Royal Academy of
Sciences, 73
Waite, Col. Henry, 7
Wallace, Henry A., 14
Taylor, Perry, 9
War Production Board, 22
Tennessee Valley Authority, 10-11,
War Relocation Authority, 22
36, 55, 60, 63