EP 1165-2-502
30 Sep 99
Checklist of Facilities
Which May Be Cost Shared
as Part of Recreation Development at
Ecosystem Protection and Restoration Projects
I. Access and Circulation: Roads; Turnarounds; Trails (multiple-use); Parking; Bridges and
Culverts; Walks; Steps/ramps; Footbridges1.
II. Structures: Sanitation - Vault Toilets, Comfort Stations; Shelters - Picnic, Trail.
III. Utilities: Water Supply - Municipal System2, Wells, Drinking Fountains and Faucets;
Sewage and Waste Water Disposal - Municipal System, Septic Tanks and Tile Fields; Storm
IV. Site Preparation/Restoration: Clearing and Grubbing; Grading and Land Form; Vegetative
restoration - includes native trees, shrubs and turf establishment.
V. Park Furniture: Picnic Tables; Trash Receptacles/Holders; Benches.
VI. Signs: Entrance-Directional-Marker; Traffic Control (Vehicular and Pedestrian);
Instructional (Includes Fire Danger Notices).
VII. Interpretive Guidance and Media: Display Boards; Interpretive Markers (Natural,
Historical, Archeological, etc.); Bulletin Board.
VIII. Protection, Control, Health and Safety: Gates and Barricades; Cattle Guards; Walls and
Fencing; Guardrails; Entrance Stations; Lighting; Handrails.
Footbridges are to be austere and used only when other crossings methods are impractical.
Footbridges which are the center of recreation experience are to be a non-Federal cost. Pedestrian bridges
at highways or railroads are normally a non-Federal cost; however, if they are integral to the recreation
feature and the most cost effective alternative, they may be cost shared.
Connection to an existing municipal system.