EP 1110-1-8
(Vol. 10)
31 July 03
fuel cost divided by the fuel cost (appendix B). To calculate the total hourly rate, apply
the ratio of fuel cost, as follows:
Total Hourly Rate = (DEPR/hr + FCCM/hr) + (FOG/hr + TIRE WEAR/hr + TIRE REPAIR/hr +
(New Fuel Cost )
REPAIR/hr) + [
x FUEL/hr]
(Fuel Cost in Appendix B)
Example: Assume that table 2-1 includes a crane (category C80, subcategory
0.02) with the below hourly costs. The fuel cost (diesel off-road) of
.64/gal from
appendix B has increased to
.80/gal (increase of 9.80 percent). The total hourly rate
for this piece of equipment can be determined as follows:
Assumptions for Fuel Cost (based on
.64/gal from appendix B):
Total Hourly Rate
Adjustment Calculation for hourly FUEL cost using the new fuel cost of
(.00/hr + .00/hr) + .00/hr + [(
.80/gal) x .00/hr]
Adjustments to Fuel, Oil, and Grease (FOG) Cost
The hourly FOG allowance shall also be adjusted upward or downward by
applying the same ratio (new fuel cost divided by fuel cost shown in appendix B) as the
fuel costs change using the methodology as shown in paragraph 3-9.
Equipment of Different Age than Table 2-1
When the age of the equipment is newer or older than the age of the equipment
listed in table 2-1, table 3-1 factors may be used to adjust the hourly rate (see
paragraph 3-4 for guidance), otherwise the step-by-step calculation method (as shown
in figure 2-1) is necessary. To adjust the hourly rate using the tables, the factors given
in table 2-1 are multiplied by the hourly ownership costs shown in table 3-1. The result
is an ownership rate adjusted for the actual age of the equipment. Note: Age
adjustment factors in tables 3-1 and 3-2 vary by region.
a. When the age of a unit of equipment is older than the age of the equipment
listed in table 2-1 (purchased new in 2000) and does not exceed the years of economic
life, adjust the hourly rate as shown in the next example. The years of economic life is
determined by dividing hours of LIFE (from appendix D) by Working Hours Per Year
(WHPY) (from appendix B).