EP 1110-1-8
(Vol. 10)
31 July 03
can also vary according to: operator efficiency, type of material, type of work cycle, and
overall jobsite efficiency. This pamphlet provides an estimated average HPF, not a
specific factor.
(2) Pounds (lbs) fuel per bhp-hr is an average based on a variety of
engine applications from manufacturers' engine data. The following represent an
average of the normal application of equipment and are indicative of engine fuel
consumption industry wide. Pounds fuel (consumed) per bhp-hr is based on the
following averages and used consistently throughout this pamphlet:
Gasoline = 0.60 lbs per bhp-hr
= 0.36 lbs per bhp-hr
(3) Pounds fuel per gallon is the factor that determines the weight of the
fuel consumed. The following are used as constants in this pamphlet:
Gasoline = 6 lbs per gal
= 7 lbs per gal
d. Fuel Factor - Electricity. Assuming that an electric motor uses 1 kilowatt
(kW) per horsepower (considering all inefficiencies), and using the same HPF for gas or
diesel fuel consumption, the electricity consumption is computed by the following
Fuel Factor (kW/hr) = HPF x 1kW per electric hp - hr
e. Fuel and Electricity Cost. The cost per gallon for gasoline and diesel fuel
used to compute the hourly fuel cost is shown in appendix B. The hourly fuel cost for all
gasoline-powered equipment, diesel-powered highway trucks, and truck crane carriers
includes an allowance for Federal and state road taxes, sales taxes, and rental for fuel
storage tanks and pumps. Cost per kilowatt-hour used to compute electricity cost are
also shown in appendix B.
Filters, Oil, and Grease (FOG) Cost
FOG cost is computed as a percentage of the hourly fuel costs.
a. FOG contains items of cost for routine servicing of the equipment, which
includes the following:
Base wages for servicing labor
Fringe benefits and labor burden costs for servicing
Service truck, tools, and fuel truck allowance
Shop allowance when shop servicing is required
Other equipment costs for servicing
FOG material allowance