EP 1110-1-18
24 Apr 00
Table 3.2 (continued)
Additional Environmental Laws and Regulations for Consideration During OE Response Actions
Prohibits the intentional removal of Native
Native American
American cultural items from federal or tribal
Graves Protection
lands except under an Archeological Resource
and Repatriation Act
Protection Act permit and in consultation with
(25 U.S.C. 3001-
the appropriate Native American groups.
Requires returning burial remains, associated
funerary objects, and objects of cultural
patrimony to the appropriate Indian or Native
Hawaiian organizations and tribes.
Establishes Native American ownership of
human remains and associated funerary
objects discovered on federal lands.
Public Buildings
Encourages adaptive reuse of historic
buildings as administrative facilities for
federal agencies or activities.
(40 U.S.C. 490,
601a, 606, 611, 612a)
Rivers and Harbors
Requires approval of the Secretary of the
Army and the Chief of Engineers for
construction of a bridge, dam, or dike over
(33 U.S.C. 401 et
navigable waters.
Sikes Act
Authorizes the Secretary of Defense to carry
out a program of planning, development,
(16 U.S.C. 670a-
maintenance, and coordination of wildlife,
fish, and game conservation and rehabilitation
on military reservations. Also requires the
Departments of the Interior and Agriculture to
establish conservation programs on public